print porn models

authentic consenting homosexual

Canadian Chuck – from a 1974 issue of Hombre magazine.

not usually looking at the fine print, I’m drawn more to.. fine balls! But, trying to get model/date/publication, etc. info I stumble upon the magazine’s motto – or should I say mottoes” as it has evolved – but 72-73?? Awesome!

1971: “This publication is produced to portray today’s social mores. Places and names are fictitious unless otherwise indicated”
1972: “This magazine is produced to portray today’s social scene. Males shown are not models, they are authentic consenting homosexuals.” which remained their motto through 1973

but, alas, in 1974: changed to: “This publication is produced to portray our contemporary mode of living.”

more Chuck – in a stream, naked handstand….

porno pet peeves print porn models

bĂȘte noire

This was originally a very simple post – the above pic, and that’s it.
Just enjoy it for a moment – beautifully composed, great body, the veins on the hand popping as it’s holding that upright gorgeous cock – Regarder!

Any regular reader would know I am a huge fan of Ben Chapin (AKA Michel Guillot), and while I may have seen the image before, I love it and think it’s enough to feast your eyes on and not need any text or additional pics. So, I had just scanned it from a newly acquired old magazine (Jockstrap – more on that in another post), cropped, uploaded, and continued scanning the magazine when I get to – oh, you’ll see. “Porno Pet Peeve” just isn’t enough. Anyway, I gasped – what art director thought this was a good idea??? Here, a bit more Ben before we get to the porno magazine art direction tragedy that this one simple page had me gagging in disbelief (the bad kind of gagging, no?).

So anyway, I get that no one created a dirty magazine thinking decades later some old sleazy rambling porno crazed guy would be uploading pics and complaining that each image isn’t perfect – the “inset” has it’s place, and I can see that sometimes it can add some interest, or just alternating the way each page is set up makes the magazine look better. Scroll all the way to the bottom of this post and you’ll see an image that, while I would prefer no inset at all, instead seeing the full beautiful image of that man without his shoulder cut off; but I get it. But if you dare, scroll just past this and see the horror, the horror of art direction gone amuck and someone who thinks it will look nice to obscure one of the most beautiful cocks ever to make it into a magazine.

Ben! (Michel!) please avert your eyes and don’t look at what’s been done!

If you’ve gotten this far, just know that there is a place to see the image as it was intended to be – on an earlier post I made of Ben Chapin!

print porn models ZEUS Studios


I’m scanning a Zeus magazine, Leather Fantasy (photography by Jim Hawkins), featuring Leo Stone and I just want to be sure I’m not duplicating a post on Mr. Stone before I write this up, so I search my own website and see only 2 entries! Then, on GEVI (Gay Erotic Video Index) I see no films, and wonder – does he have an AKA? Again, searching BJland I come up with – Bob Bouchard his name when he modeled for Target Studios. How did I forget that? (Who needs a memory when a keyboard and search functions work much faster?) Seems to have modeled just around 1979-1981, and then, hmmmm. There’s a sexy “flashback” set of pics published in a 1999 Honcho, and of course the cover of Honcho with partner Val Martin… (checking my own link..) in July of 1981. The man looks just as good if not better, in clothing as he does naked, right? These are all from Leather Fantasy – enjoy!

Pantheon Productions print porn models


winter project of sorting, organizing, some scanning, etc., of the print porno collection. Part of that is doing a better job of noting photographers and models, when possible.

From a Pantheon Productions magazine, Strip (1982) – this is Brett Collier, photographed by Colin Myer. He’s about half the 50+ page magazine; and as you can imagine, he starts off with more clothes on, and ends up with less. This was my fave.

print porn models

dick pic

and having said all that about “too close” – I have to admit that while this is not a great dick pic, it IS a great photograph! From May 1985 Stallion, Glenn Gunther.

print porn models


from January 1983 issue of TORSO, photographed by James Michaels. Model looks familiar, possibly cover model for a later issue of Stallion? Pretty sure, but not certain, he’s “print only.” Figured if I was only doing 2 pics, and neither had his cock, the above would show enough of his assets.

boots print porn models

man of arena

I love the Men of Arena magazine series, especially the 70’s (started in 1978) and into the mid 1980’s. I’d also love to find Men of Arena 6-9, and 11.

Meanwhile, take your eye off this hairy butthole for a moment and tell me what the screw driver is doing in this second photo? It’s butch! Just like the boots, shovel, Peterbilt hat, torn shirt – and of course the model himself!