from a Bunkhouse magazine… I’m showing the full page below, so you can see the source. You know the pet peeve I am speaking of, right?

from a Bunkhouse magazine… I’m showing the full page below, so you can see the source. You know the pet peeve I am speaking of, right?
no. i did not crop off his head, this is the way I found this lovely image (minor cropping at edges of magazine page) – either the photographer Jim Wigler, or the editor of the magazine is responsible.
you know why this image is under “pet peeves” – too bad, it is an almost perfect image – but I was adding another publication to this gentlemen’s “pornstar – videography” and figured I’d scan the 8-page photospread (with cheesy 1984 title), add one more pic – heck – more of this guy elsewhere on BJland
what’s wrong with this picture(s)? The more detail, the more points!
there may be hints in this previous post, but I’m looking for specifics here.
I doubt it will take you long to figure out why this is in my “pet peeve” category – not as annoying as missing or chopped us scenes from vintage films, of course, but… a cover model who is NOT in the film??? And a hot and desirable one at that?
That’s the cassette of the video I sold back in 2006 – and from my notes:
And another thing!! (old man yelling at cloud) – I miss the days when the IMDB completely ignored gay porn, I mean, really!
and some related links –
and some totally unrelated uncut meat for you
I normally CROP off the words, but wanted to demonstrate one of my pet peeves – pics where the dick is nearly (or partially) off the page! why not have some more space to frame the genital area? and not photography credits, or “art director’s” fancy splash of color or half-assed frame! I mean, look at that cockhead, with a little bit just nibbled off by a poor photographer or editor!
more Guillermo Ricardo on BJland
The Devil and Mr. Jones
First Avenue Screening Room opened in 1973, but by March of 1975 it was renamed Byron Theatre when it began showing gay porn, opening with The Devil and Mr. Jones. This is cover art for my copy of the video, but, alas, I don’t have a “BETA cover art” category (I don’t have a BETA player; but nabbed this and perhaps 3 or 4 others over the years as the word was that BETA was better quality than VHS.), so shoving this into the VHS, and of course the “pet peeve” category – just check the cover, there’s a large version of the front if you need help with what the pet peeve could be in this case.
previous post, including video clip – The Devil and Mr. Jones – not for the squeamish, if I remember correctly.