photo by Glenn M. Turner
Category: photographers
Jean Paul
I know I’ve posted a photo before, because of the socks, long before I knew who he was. Jean Paul, from Marseilles – from the first issue of Magazine (1978, issue #1), featuring the photography of Minotaur Studio.
there’s something very very sexy about his focus on his own cock; then….. eventually…. he looks at us. And as much as the socks, and the hard-on are super super sexy, this last pic, more relaxed, is my fave from the bunch
Some years back these pics puzzled me (are these from a film?) Some may have figured this out from previous posts that I am actually a bigger fan of Bob Shane than Roy (probably that scene in Heatstroke; maybe just the ‘stache; could be his meatier cock… ). Interestingly, I don’t think Bob was in any film that Roy was not; Roy made perhaps 12-13 films, of which Bob was in 6.
Please take a look at my ROY GARRETT page that is in serious need of updating / revising!
And yes, I finally got my hands on a hard copy of the magazine – BRONC March 1982 – The Mercenaries – and it’s amazing. Photography by Phil Flasche . I’m sure there was no film made, even though it certainly has a very Joe Gage Oil Rig #99 look to it. It’s a Blueboy publication, btw.
sharp eyes will notice there’s a 3rd body in there – perhaps for another post? Maybe just scan the entire damn mag for my devoted readers (I luvs all 4 of you!)?
nothing personal stud, but I ain’t looking at you, but at your AMAZING T-Shirt with the Fire Island Fever logo on it! These pics popped out immediately from that magazine with Paul, er, Joe I posted a week or two ago. Photography by Malcolm Hoare.
sometime while scouring my hard drive, looking back at the comment from earlier in the day I thought – “WAIT! Why am I looking for the source of a pic from a post OVER TEN YEARS AGO???!!!??” I had, actually, found the model, and I thought the magazine, Playguy, Vol 5 No 4 (1980) and realized I still had that issue! Alas, it’s him, but not the snowy pics – I’m sure it’s him, but where is he all snowy?? After 15 hours without power, this is what I am using the computer for? But, using my search skills, once I found not the same pic, but this pic above that had to be the same photo shoot, I found the issue, something I sold in 2017, but had the html file with my notes – Snowbound (cover/center – Eric Perkins, photographer) – 3 2-page photographs! and then searching my files I found the scans, all 9 of them from my eBay auction, high resolution, but, alas, not the 2-pager that I was asked about… OK, I’ve led the horse to water… wait, is that the expression I am looking for? Exhausticated. must. sleep
Stumbled upon some very nice photographs with a very familiar face, by photographer Malcom Hoare. Of course, Paul is very familiar (but aren’t you really Joe Porcelli?), but his lovely partner while somewhat familiar, I haven’t a clue who he is. Any ideas? Meanwhile, I can see that while this may be from a French publication, the photos seem to have been taken on Fire Island… and there might be a Jack Deveau connection? (That tease is for another post). Which made this that must harder, as the 2nd photo the 2nd guy looks a bit like Matt Harper (AKA Will Seagers) who has done work for Deveau (but, alas, not Joe…errr, Paul)!