"vintage" porn stars Paul Barresi

who’s butt?


eBay auctions Paul Barresi

eBay item of the week – Paul Barresi

So I’m doing my usual trolling on eBay (the traditional meaning of trolling – meaning fishing), and i come across this intriguing item – PAUL BARESSI Barressi LOT gay for pay HAIRY HOLE daddy Water Sports LA Tool Die – ooooooh, I think as I look over the collection of mostly VHS items – Falconhead Two: The Maneaters (1984); Hot Male Mechanics (1985); G.I. Mac (1988); Hairy Hole Hounds (1997); LA Tool & Die (1979);Water Sports (1992). Gosh, I have most of these – LA Tool = str8 sex scene, G I MAC = solo whack off, Falconhead = solo whack off, Hot Male Mechanics (pictured above) = another solo whack off, but what could the 1992 release, Water Sports be? i think, like Hairy Hole Hounds it’s just some old scene form a previous video, and most likely the Hot Male Mechanics scene in the shower, right? But what if I’ve wrong, and there’s some hot Paul Barresi little know watersports movie?

Meanwhile, enjoy this clip that I like to call Daddy has a bag of dildos.

Paul Barresi

Falconhead II

i dunno, i think it’s hard to look sexy with a birdhead

Paul Barresi


Paul Barresi

Double Headed Disco: PRIDE INSIDE YOU

DJs Jeff Jackson, Pete Money and Disco Connie will bring out the PRIDE INSIDE YOU at the annual gay pride edition of DOUBLE HEADED DISCO.

Tap into your power and your pride at our old school fag-out of disco classics, pornology and the return of the popper patrol. Perfect for boozin’ cruisin’ and late nite movin’. Plus… shows in the Judy Room!

With the DHD crew… River and Nate at the bar, Mr K on the door, GoGo Paul on the floor.

Saturday, June 25
10pm — 4am
no cover all nite


Nowhere // 322 E 14th St // NYC

"vintage" porn stars Paul Barresi

product placement

Paul Barresi

ahmen barresi

looks like the undies were pasted on them, eh?