classic butt

something smuttier about this version of this pic that I like
from the 1978 magazine Encounters, – “Barry Gable presents” – so not sure if he is the photographer, one of them or not at all. 5-7 “encounters” and this is one of them, with Paul Barresi and Don Talon
yet more Paul – this from a 1980 Janus Publication magazine called YES SIR!. I need to get better about crediting publications and photographers, which you may have noticed, I’ve been doing recently. Don’t care for his “partner” in this mag, so he’s cropped out in one of these pics. ANd of course, finally adding a “Paul Barresi” tag for those who don’t care for the search function.
I know, I know, I know….. not the best set of pics – which is too bad – leather and Paul Barresi should go together like…. um, leather and Paul Barresi –
“Honestly, BJ! How many of these silly photos of Paul, do you have?”
I’ve gathered what I can of Paul in leather, and well, he rarely goes very deep – cap (Colt’s Gallery 13, below), jacket (posing with Target’s BRAND), a vest ( Lusty) cap/vest (COLT 1976 calendar) – except in Falconhead II (which, well, birdhead may have had something to do with the plot – but don’t ask me what that was – but didn’t do a lot for me erotically), and then a pic I found via HIM International, which they credit as begin from Drummer. THAT’s the ticket – final pic below – chaps, gloves, cap, vest – The search continues for more!