2008 vs 2001
thank you, dear readers! (both of you!) don’t ask where that jockstrap went…. if I could find it I would NOT get photographed with it on! Let’s make 2021 a good one!
thank you, dear readers! (both of you!) don’t ask where that jockstrap went…. if I could find it I would NOT get photographed with it on! Let’s make 2021 a good one!
Sorry, been a bit lazy lately – as you can tell from the above recycled pic. Too lazy to even take a new New Year’s jockstrap photo – sheeeesh! Currently in Chicago with family, friends, and of course, my hubbahubba BF. Hope y’all have a great New Year!
still outta town, and still drudging up these old pics…..later, folks!
jockstrap fridaze was supposed to only be for the month of August, but, alas, I will be out of town (woooo!, said slowly, plus HOO!, said sharply) for a bit, and posting may be light – stop laughing – OK, OK – even lighter than usual! this pic is from gosh, like 10 years back probably – so many pounds ago! so my apologies in advance if I don’t get around to posting, and you’re stuck seeing this pic with this guy grabbing at himself for no apparent reason. I’ll tell the humpbacks you said hey.