Mickey Squires


I wish i had better version of the butt shot above, it’s from the March 1983 issue of MANDATE – anyone got it? Mickey’s on cover…. pirate theme…..? Meanwhile, the sleazy jacking off in the mirror on top is sooooo hot! almost makes me not want to comment that it’s during his bad hair period – oops, did I say that out loud?

edit: is this better?

Mickey Squires Surge Studios


HONCHO, April 1982

cowboys Mickey Squires ZEUS Studios


HONCHO, May 1981

Mickey Squires

kiss my ass while I

fuck this ass

Mickey Squires ZEUS Studios


"vintage" porn stars Gordon Grant Mickey Squires

too hot to handle

IN TOUCH magazine published a Too Hot To Handle series – with the tagline: “THE PHOTOS In Touch COULDN’T PRINT” – implying they were racier, naughtier, or something – and while they usually weren’t any of that, they were still good quality pics, “leftovers” from the earlier sessions from the original magazine’s issue, and often on better quality paper if I remember correctly. First isue appeared in 1978, and ran through 1985, maybe? I’m sure you recognize some of these men.

IN TOUCH also did at least one other magazine series, IN HEAT, same era, also often better quality print than the newstand regular issue of IN TOUCH.

bear Mickey Squires

Mickey’s ass

work. busy. enjoy