I love this photo of Max, (AKA BIG MAX) from the February 1979 Honcho…. but……
the original, from a year prior, in THE PHYSICAL MAN #6 (1978), gives more space, negative space, black space, whatever you want to call it, to the image – HONCHO crops part of Max’s left foot; the original you can see his entire foot, and you can more easily see why the right foot is partially hidden – in the black cloth/covering on the ground. The top image I scanned from my own copy of HONCHO, and I only cropped out the whited edge of the photo. Alas, my Physical Man image is from somewhere on the internet, not nearly as high quality, but definately, to me, the better framed version. Oh, and HONCHO credits “Man’s Image” for photography, but the original in Physical Man #6 actually credits the human beings – Carlo Palermo and Francesco Barone as the photographers.