from Leather N Things (and with 40+ search results, why don’t I have a specific category for Ledermeister? – update: in the process of rectifying this)
from Leather N Things (and with 40+ search results, why don’t I have a specific category for Ledermeister? – update: in the process of rectifying this)
(another post languishing in my drafts folder for months, likely longer – so “publish” and make corrections, additions later!)
Okay, so maybe my German ain’t so good, but this post actually started as a “men in suits” post. But then, searching my hard-drive, I could find no Ledermeister pics with him suited up; in fact, he’s usually barely wearing anything (not that there’s anything wrong with that)! So I started looking for publications, films, where he might have a suit on, and then a list began to form (see below) and I figured, what the heck, that’s a post. So, leather master, no suit ? These fine photos will have to do. And the way he fills out those leather pants, and jeans…..
MORE Ledermeister on BJland
you may remember him from such films as
and/or you may remember from such magazines as
I know there are some readers who don’t care much for the pornstars who model bad 70’s clothes posts…. but I can’t hold back on this one! I only wish I had nabbed that copy of the 1974 Leather N Things catalog when it looked affordable on eBay a few weeks back. (I still see a $500 asking price for one – ouch!) “Leather’n’Things, the leather clothing store at 4079, 18th Street, on the corner of Castro and 18th Street, in San Francisco.” Gosh, actually to have the photos themselves, without the catalog verbiage…..there’s one with a gun holster (the “man’s man holster” – with gun, of course) – but his ass in jeans, a glimpse of his hairy back…. Actually, while the zippered briefs below isn’t something I could wear, he pulls them off well. I didn’t see a bad outfit in the 6 or 7 pics I’ve seen from that catalog.
a bit more Ledermeister in leather; and of course my recent Paul Gerrior post from a couple weeks back.
oh gosh. Many of you know I don’t usually pay much attention to personal lives of our porn stars, or the WEHT (What Ever Happened To) questions… but, a reader was kind enough to let me know that Ledermeister – Paul Gerrior, passed away last week. Sad, he had just taken ill, and as you can see at the link, a GoFundMe had just been established to help (and I believe is still active). Beautiful man, and what little I’ve read about his post-porn life, beautiful soul as well.
Search: Ledermeister on BJland…
“legit” offerings on MUBI
looks like some friends have posted a tribute video – Memories of Paul Gerrior – on youtube of his “legit” work. The last part is a clip from a film I’ve wanted to see, Strapped. Alas, they added a COLT photo at the end – but it’s not him! I hope they don’t mind I pointed it out on their tribute, so they can fix it.
more Ledermeister