
not the bestest photo, but gives a good sense from the opening scene of…. from the first issue of Mach magazine, not quite sure the year.
Heatstroke – (1982) – director: Joe Gage
“never been in this part of town before” – Roy Garrett and his buddies are given a weekend off, as the rodeo is in town and (boss) Richard Locke wants them to enjoy themselves for once. Roy ends up in a dirty bookstore where he watches a female peepshow performer. Along with another guy, they watch her and masturbate, as well as egg each other on vocally, and grabbing at each other – FANTASTIC SCENE! And of course my favorite porno theme tune ever, Man Parrish‘s Heatstroke – (Disconet Mix). (by clicking on the above video, user does not hold poster liable for seeing girly parts, right?)
Kansas City Trucking Co. (1976) intro – yes, the first 30+ seconds the screen is black and you vaguely hear, a radio? And soon enuf, the haunting them by Al Steinman – til this day still gets me excited!
El Paso Wrecking Corp. (1977) – again, black screen for first 1/2 minute or so – and this is the FULL intro, usually not seen on most VHS and DVD versions. What can you say, Fred Halsted & Richard Locke! and they never get it on – who does that (or doesn’t do that?) in a gayporno? Joe Gage, of course.
L. A. Tool & Die (1979) – for this trailer, the music is (but in the film, don’t recall if it plays, but otherwise, it’s Music by Al Steinman, Harmonica solos by Chuck Thatcher. ) from Isaac Hayes – Run Faye Run – from the Three Tough Guys soundtrack.
L. A. Tool & Die (1979) “I think you’re in the wrong place, buddy” Oh Richard! my fave scene with Locke – I just love the quotes, like: “And if there’s anything I like better than sucking cock, it’s kicking ass!” or during the fight, when he calls the homophobe “porkshop” – and before JohnnyLlama asks, I don’t (yet) know who Richard’s bearded friend is in the men’s room, or if he appears in any sex scene (would have to be group, otherwise I’d have noticed, or would I?)
Heatstroke (1982) “It’s 7.a.m., it’s 112 in the shade, and the temperature is rising.” – loves this trailer, but, if your kinda ladyphobic like me, be forewarned, there’s a good amount of Suzanne Tyson’s kinda nekkid body is this clip – and also, of course, Man Parrish‘s Heatstroke – THE porno movie soundtrack song!
Heatstroke (1982) – Locke plays it straight!!! well…. first he offers Clay a beer, chats him up about Locke’s former / Russell’s current, girlfriend, then talks Clay into showing what his ex-girlfriend’s been getting, then, well, why not a handjob? then……
Some weeks back, I stumble upon a comment that I missed/neglected on a Clinton Coe post – This was not Clinton Coe’s only porn film. He was also the “dad” on the phone with his “son” in the first sex scene in Joe Gage’s “HANDsome” (1981).” – which puzzled me, as he is not credited. But, its Joe Gage, and who knows who winds up in orgy scenes, and maybe he was part of “THE GAGE MEN” – so let’s go to the videotape. Then I realized, that I had always assumed the Dad figure, at least the shots of him on the phone, were Joe Gage himself. But now I think it must be Ron Clayton, no?
Director: Joe Gage (1981)
with an awesome Man Parrish soundtrack (we’re looking at you, Dark Entries Records for a soundtrack release!)
The pic on left, Gage, no? HANDsome at GEVI (note the more extensive cast listing, which might be from the DVD release, which ain’t necessarily accurate). Keep scrolling for full movie link. and a mish mosh of cast listing, as even on my own pages it’s not consistent.
or is it Ron Clayton – who’s done only one film???? Or maybe it’s Joe’s face, Ron’s cock? or someone else’s cock!!?? Notice you don’t get full face, nor do you get face WITH body
HANDsome (full movie) – maybe afterwards, we can go out to the garage, and you can get your hands on those tools you’ve been wanting to……
Roy Garrett, Ron Clayton, presenting J.D. Slater, and THE GAGE MEN
Starring J.D. Slater, Ron Clayton, Roy Garrett, Bill Geary, Robert West, Rick Youngblood, Joe Gage, and others not credited.
Director: DeSimone – – – edit: actually, Jason Sato (1977)
(I actually don’t have this title on my DESIMONE DIRECTOR page, but GEVI does – and I am re-editing this post with JASON SATO as director, but I don’t have a source, but am reasonably confident)
Starring: Tim O’Brien, Kurt Williams, Dick Trask, Joe Gage (narrator); others unknown (no actual credits for anyone)
OKAY – first, the BIJOU boxcover art just above does NOT show anyone from the film (although I would LOVE to know who this is!); one of my many pornopeeves (inaccurate boxcover art; missing scenes, the list goes on…). Nor do I think the one below, from an earlier release on VCX – but again, would love to know where it is from – seems to be 2 guys maybe going into a basement apartment somewhere in NYC, maybe? Oh, still working on a DICK TRASK videography, and thought this scene would be a nice part of that.
Previously on BJland – Where Joey Lives