Jack Deveau pornoclips

Lee Marlin sings

Clip from The Boys from Riverside Drive – (1981) Jack Deveau, director. After 2 lovers quarrel during thier 1st anniversary dinner, a series of silly, but fun vignettes involving getting locked out of the apartment, telegraph boy, ex-lovers, etc’; all, of course, involving sex. Includes a nice intro into the film with Jack Wrangler and Malo. Starring Buddy Preston, David Dion, George Brown, Luke, and Lee Marlin. Here we see the Lee Marlin scene mixed with the, ugh, I don’t know – low attention span – I am not always a fan when sex scenes get interspliced with each other – a “str8” Lee Marlin ties up the EX sex scene would’ve worked just fine. Excuse if I cut off the scene too early!

(thanks for the Lee in “singing telegram suit” to MALE MODELS FROM THE PAST)

Jack Deveau pornoclips

and there it was – huge, erect, and pointing north – with a sweat sock on it

“like a beautifully wrapped package on Christmas morning”

I was going to post the entire film, but there’s something about this clip – warning, it’s got a lady in it – and it’s her monologue that I just love – it’s just so……70’s? I did post it 10+ years ago, but it’s worth another look, I think
(apologies for the quality, I really should re-record this)

Wanted: Billy The Kid

"vintage" porn stars Jack Deveau pornoclips VHS cover art

Just Blonds

“Filmed in the exciting new screening process, Supercruiserama!”

Director: Jack Deveau (1979) 72 minutes running time

Starring: Luke (from Falcon Studios), Lee Marlin (from Nova Studios), Scorpio, Hugh Allen, Damien III, Ken Carter (from Nova Studios), and Eric Ryan

“This is the very first porno I ever saw. The summer after I turned 18…..”

Jack Deveau pornstar - videography

David Gorsky (AKA Paulo)

who you may remember from such films as

  • Rough Trades (1977)
  • Dune Buddies (1978)
  • Private Collection (1978)

all films from Jack Deveau. His magazine work often was with model “Eduardo” – AKA Target Studios Kyle Hazard. The most recent surprise for me was finding the Larry Townsend publication, Second Book of MEN IN BONDAGE, (cover below).

"vintage" porn stars Jack Deveau music in gay porno

Let Me Be Your Fantasy

clip from Jack Deveau’s Fire Island Fever (1979); I had previously misidentified the music as from Hot R.S.; but yesterday discovered it’s actually a tune called Let Me Be Your Fantasy (1978) from Penthouse presents The Love Symphony Orchestra. Apparently, Penthouse magazine issued these albums back in the late 1970’s; couldn’t find much about them. Click pic below to enjoy the tune; click video above to enjoy editor Bob Alvarez’s great work incorporating the music with the trippy Fire Island scene with Garry Hunt and stud Matt Harper.