Director: Doug Richards (AKA Jerry Douglas) The Back Row (1973)
Starring: Casey Donovan, George Payne (The Kid From Montana), Robin Anderson (The Hippy), David Knox (The Sailor), Warren Carlton (The Cashier), Chris Villette (The Hard Hat), Arthur Graham (The Student), and Robert Tristan (The Roommate).
George Payne in his first film spots Casey Donovan (in his 3rd gay porno film) at New York’s Port Authority bus terminal, following him down into the subway, and eventually into an adult movie theatre. George is painfully shy, and reticent, but Casey has no trouble getting it on with several of his fellow patrons. Original music composed and conducted by William R. Cox – thanks zephyr!!! (the theme song from this film is very similar to Everybody’s Talkin’, from Midnight Cowboy). The music in this preview, I don’t think is from the film; the preview is from a Hand In Hand preview tape, and is likely original music that perhaps was written for another film.