I can’t recall which mid to late 80’s magazine these came from, but despite the photographer’s names “Sunblazer” – I think the reddish Clay is the magazine’s printer’s fault, don’t you?
I can’t recall which mid to late 80’s magazine these came from, but despite the photographer’s names “Sunblazer” – I think the reddish Clay is the magazine’s printer’s fault, don’t you?
from Aces Up, mostly butt shots; most, if not all, photos from Nova, published 1985.
Joe Tharp (AKA Joe Roberts), Greg Donovan, Clay Russell
recently came upon (heehee) this clip with Clay Russell – I’ve seen the pics for years from a magazine (which, of course, I can now only find this one image, below, after searching for over a week!) – but I am stumped on who made the film, what year, the partner’s name, and – by gosh! under 6 minutes it definitely seems incomplete. I’m certain the stills showed fucking, but this clip doesn’t. Maybe comparing the title font to other 8MM’s???
update: co-star (servant) is Ted Roberts
is it crazee to spend $20 on a magazine with a 12-page spread of Clay Russell, when many of the pics are a bit out of focus? But then you have THIS! Normally I crop out the fold for the other page, but knew I needed the entire right foot with those thick, thick socks!
one of my favorite pics of Clay – from 2 different sources – Target’s Ramrod 4, and the April 1980 issue of Honcho – I’m sure I’ve posted it before. It is neither the first, nor last rerun this blog!
Director: Fred Halsted (1988) – Adam and Company
Starring: J.D. Slater, Clay Russell, Danny Brown, Kris Todd, Rob Swack, Steve Erickson, Don Miller, and Cesar Blanco
Fred Halsted’s last movie as director; probably last as actor/model as well – Halsted is a voyeur in the César Blanco / Danny Brown final scene. I’ve grown to like this, perhaps the first scene (see here) and the final, with hunky César Blanco as the best parts.
Truck Stop – trucker Clay Russell picks up hitchhiker J.D. Slater for some hot action in the back of the truck (alas, the clip stops after the pick-up; but watch the friendly goodbye waves from J.D. at the end)
Warehouse Load (1978) – starring Clay Russell and Ron Stevens.
Apparently, I’ve posted this before; but when I realized I have two versions of the film, one maybe 20-30 seconds shorter, but also different soundtracks – I thought it deserved some attention. I’m sure the original had no soundtrack, but then when it went to video, got added music; the one above, which I previously posted is longer but added that awful tacky “old timie” music, like someone’s tying someone to railroad tracks or something! The one below, is shorter, but with different music, which, I must say, I also don’t think was the selection when NOVA first put this out on videotape – I think it is also a much later version, music-wise – and there’s at least one frequent poster who may well recognize it. In any case, which do you prefer?