boots socks

tire, why not

ya know, to make him butch

bear boots

plaid in black & white

previously – foreman for men – not to get picky, these are great, but would love some Gunther / plaid / color photos..

did he really first appear in Honcho in 1978, but not in COLT’s own publications til COLT MEN 18 (1987), and BEST OF COLT 7 (1995)?

OK – so while editing – I found the above – not great quality, but it’ll do (do what???)

"vintage" porn stars boots


lick anywhere you’d like

does this tiny ladder make my cock look big?

Look hard, Mike is sitting on his boots

apparently I like boots

"vintage" porn stars boots


apparently, this is not my first boots post

but let me leave you with this one I call “Unfortunate fold”

OKAY one more

the quality of the photo isn’t the best – but the model, the pose, the lighting, the “what’s this guy doing can I watch will he let me” quality… that’s the ticket


working men

you know Tico is thinking – “damn, my cock is prettier than yours”

"vintage" porn stars boots

i like boots

Will Seagers in J Brian’s Flashbacks

boots socks

boots n

more tube socks