
does being semi-naked make my ass look big?

i know i should be out playing with the other kids, or if here, working on those several “i’ll post that clip later” unfulfilled promises i’ve made over the past few weeks (months? years???) but this recent pic has me puzzling. maybe it’s all the time i spend on my bike, or maybe it’s all the ice cream and late night snacking, but looks like my ass is growing faster than my beard, goshdarnit!


so the good news is….

… i dunno if any of y’all have noticed, but for about a year or more, I’ve been unable to post NEW video clips – yup, they’ve all pretty much be rerunned from previous posts. i had “upgraded” to a new webcam, but didn’t realize I couldn’t do with the new one what I did with the old one – namely, run the VCR through it into my PC to create little digital clips from my fave pornos. but, here’s where you gotta love eBay – I was able to track down the same model, and after a few false starts (forgetting to bid, one cam got lost in mail, etc) I finally have the dang thing (the Intel in the pic) and that’s how we got yesterday’s classic clip from my all-time-fave porno, Heatstroke. more to come, of course, and open to suggestions. (no, this doesn’t mean i’m posting huge-ass files or complete movies, there are plenty of sites for that) – but clever or interesting suggestions are the most likely to get acted upon. the “about” link somewhere on the left side of this page will take you to my email address.


5 years?

if i had the money, didn’t hate crowds, didn’t have to work this weekend, was 20 pounds lighter (and could actually wear these again), etc etc

yeah, i think it’s been that long since i’ve taken this pic, and more importantly, been able to pull these up and button the dang thing up. sigh.


workin on it…

i think the answer is moving on to another blogging application. blogger changed several things, not the least of which is you no longer have a choice about the NAVBAR (thanks to all the emailers, but all those instructions work on the OLD blogger). So, wordpress? i dunno; taking me a long time jsut to get the template to resemble something i would like, and by default everything has “comments” – which i don’t want on my site – and while you can “disable comments” the actual clickable link for it stays up, which would only prove frustrating to any reader clicking and not being able to do the thing i don’t want them to do but they wouldn’t know that cuz the linky thing is there.

the other annoying thing blogger did was require me to create a sub-domain – – and even though after that, and seeing some of the problems it created, i tried to convert my archives BACK to this format: – something in blogger converts them to the new format, ( which disables the pics, and the videolinks, and my brain, and…. grrrrrrr

so, if i get my hand out of my ass later, who knows, maybe i can get a better handle on this. wish me luck!