90's porn bear

Bear 45

I don’t usually post pics from the 1990’s, but this one from Bear 45, (1997) just kinda grabbed me!

90's porn bear

and more 90’s bear porn


90’s bear porn!

90's porn bear

90’s bear porn!

bear Paul Barresi

Truck #7

Bear Magazine, #23 (1993)

"vintage" porn stars bear

live bear

Ah, Jason Steele! From an ad before they had to rename it Live Bear One once they released Live Bear Two

trivia question: other than the back cover of the small box release of California Fox , what other cover did Jason Steele’s pic erroneously show up on (again, the small box release)?

bear Drummer magazine eBay auctions

Ride ’em Cowboy

from Drummer 176 1994 – Ranch hands issue

You may have guessed by now that I have a bunch of Drummer Magazines to sell – and you’d be right! A very generous “donation” from a very generous man out West (as he put it, I would be saving them from going to landfill, a horrible horrible fate for any porno, right?) some months back, and I’ve finally had the time to sort through, scan lots of images (most for the auctions themselves, but of course a bunch to post here on this blogthing). So please check out the auctions, even just to get the counter numbers up – and once again apologies if you aren’t in the U.S. or have an eBay account, as I don’t think you can view without meeting that criteria.

This particular Drummer caught my attention because of the amazing 12-page photo spread with hunky bearded LEE (photos by Wayne Hampton/Waynesart), entitled Ride ‘Em Cowboy .