print porn models ZEUS Studios


I’m scanning a Zeus magazine, Leather Fantasy (photography by Jim Hawkins), featuring Leo Stone and I just want to be sure I’m not duplicating a post on Mr. Stone before I write this up, so I search my own website and see only 2 entries! Then, on GEVI (Gay Erotic Video Index) I see no films, and wonder – does he have an AKA? Again, searching BJland I come up with – Bob Bouchard his name when he modeled for Target Studios. How did I forget that? (Who needs a memory when a keyboard and search functions work much faster?) Seems to have modeled just around 1979-1981, and then, hmmmm. There’s a sexy “flashback” set of pics published in a 1999 Honcho, and of course the cover of Honcho with partner Val Martin… (checking my own link..) in July of 1981. The man looks just as good if not better, in clothing as he does naked, right? These are all from Leather Fantasy – enjoy!

Pantheon Productions

strip? or stroke?

I think I am right on this one – are Brett (STRIP) and Bart (STROKES) the same person? I don’t think so. I know we don’t get “Brett” hard or with a partner, but still, I am confident Bart (who we’ve seen in The Painters) and Brett are not the same guy – hot as each of them are.

Pantheon Productions


From a Pantheon Productions magazine, Impulse 2 (1980) – while I have yet to ID the models, the photography is by Adam Cadman. I’m pretty sure these guys are also in one of the Impulse loops. (They’re on the box cover! But there’s some mis-matching between the VHS box, and the 8MM loop boxes – time to pull out the tape.)

edit: having just zipped through 2, 3, 5, and 6 – I am fairly confident it’s #1 – Steam, with Pete & Dean/Dan.

Pantheon Productions print porn models


winter project of sorting, organizing, some scanning, etc., of the print porno collection. Part of that is doing a better job of noting photographers and models, when possible.

From a Pantheon Productions magazine, Strip (1982) – this is Brett Collier, photographed by Colin Myer. He’s about half the 50+ page magazine; and as you can imagine, he starts off with more clothes on, and ends up with less. This was my fave.

porno pet peeves VHS cover art


I could be wrong, But I doubt it. I don’t think this gentleman with the glistening nipple appears anywhere in this film, Falconhead Two. But I know this is the original artwork from way back in ’84. I love this film, but save that for another time. I recently downloaded a digital version of the film, decent quality and it had the VCA intro, making me hopeful that it would be the full version (later versions have that HIS intro, and often the film is only 65 minutes!). Clocks in at 79 minutes, 17 seconds if you eliminate the VCA into. My notes always had 82/86 minutes, and if you look at the box cover art, just below, you’ll see where I got the 86 minutes from. But, since this download ends suddenly during the closing credits, I figured I’d check my VHS. Mine comes out to 81 minutes, 26 seconds (again, eliminating the intro that’s not part of the film). So I think it’s the closing credits with Barresi jacking off. Who would cut that off???!!!

Falconhead Two posts on the old blog page

And don’t forget to check out this VintageGayVids review over on Reddit (which does have a link to the film).

"vintage" porn stars


a few photos from a Stallion magazine photospread called Dock Strip, from 9D Studios; model credited as Peter Rotta, but we know him as Paul Irish.

But Paul – only 2 films??! – gotta be 5 times as many magazine spreads, right? He was all over the magazines from 1984-1987, no? (I’m counting at least 4 appearances in Stallion alone – that cock!)

so many great photos taken at that location – we just called ’em “the piers” – see more at these links:

print porn models

dick pic

and having said all that about “too close” – I have to admit that while this is not a great dick pic, it IS a great photograph! From May 1985 Stallion, Glenn Gunther.