I’m scanning a Zeus magazine, Leather Fantasy (photography by Jim Hawkins), featuring Leo Stone and I just want to be sure I’m not duplicating a post on Mr. Stone before I write this up, so I search my own website and see only 2 entries! Then, on GEVI (Gay Erotic Video Index) I see no films, and wonder – does he have an AKA? Again, searching BJland I come up with – Bob Bouchard his name when he modeled for Target Studios. How did I forget that? (Who needs a memory when a keyboard and search functions work much faster?) Seems to have modeled just around 1979-1981, and then, hmmmm. There’s a sexy “flashback” set of pics published in a 1999 Honcho, and of course the cover of Honcho with partner Val Martin… (checking my own link..) in July of 1981. The man looks just as good if not better, in clothing as he does naked, right? These are all from Leather Fantasy – enjoy!