1985 calendar
1985 calendar
typed in “cock” into the old harddrive, and grabbed one of the largest files for posting in a hurry. Your welcome.
more Ledermeister
I love the MASCULIN INTERNATIONAL magazine series – with handsome models photographed by the likes of Malcolm Hoare (the photographer for this issue featured here), Roy Dean, Jon Target, (maybe or maybe not Jean-Daniel Cadinot??) and Roy Blakey (there may be more); the tone is more sexy than sex, and that’s OK! So, I had a digital version of Masculin International 6, but saw a copy online for sale/auction and wanted to be able to scan better quality versions. Also, side note – notice the 4 men featured on the back? No pic of super sexy model Joe Porcelli (called Paul here)!! What’s with that? Anyway, I probably scanned the entire magazine before I realized something was up. The quality seemed off, so I looked for my digital file that I’ve had, and … WHAT?? Same number of pages, but the contrast was murkier – perhaps something that a generic photoshop can adjust but…. my hard copy only had 4 color pages – Front & Back covers, and 2 – page centerfold of the cover model; the old digital version had 5 additional pages in color, plus maybe 2-3 partial color pages! What gives???
or, rather, WTF?
have i only posted pics from Jim French’s 1976 book, Quorum once before? more importantly, please tell me I haven’t sold my copy on on eBay (no, that’s not me). I found the top two pics in a folder of scans “Auctions 2018” – but I had already moved out of NYC, and don’t recall doing any selling since that summer before I moved. Somewhere in the porn basement, this book might still be here!!
these are pics I copied from the interwebs – I need to dig out this book!
pet project that never took off – trying to ID porn stars who appeared as backbroound actors/models in the 1980 film, Cruising .
Malo (AKA Arnaldo Santana) of course (he’s the first victim, so not actually background!); and I am certain Fernando is in the film as well. Anyone else?
more cruising on BJland.