just a tad more Pete Bronsky at the clicky click
Author: bj

not just any hall of fame

(hmmmmm, i don’t seem to say “anal” as often as you might assume)
lick my TONGUE

does this guy have 3 mustaches or 3 eyebrows? I am not one to normally (negatively) comment on someone’s eyebrows (my own are in Ed Asner territory) but the juxtaposition of the mustache to the eyebrows is just too crazy to ignore!

i don’t own a hard copy, these are just good online scans; don’t (yet) know photographer’s name, nor the models.

young trucker

photo by Jerry Buzzelli, 1979

who you may remember from such films as:
- Bull Dozier (1979) (AKA Satisfaction ) a solo, found in Target TVC-3, and Bullet Videopac 2
- Closeup (AKA Up Tight!) with Nick Rogers – found in Bullet Videopac 7 , and The Bullseye Collection 4
Satisfaction (1979)
so – WHO is that who enters the scene in the last 5 seconds??? anyone wanna guess? (and no, I don’t know)

who you may remember from such publications as:
- Ramrod 4: LEATHERMANIA (1979)- 1 page, 3 pics in leather jacket
- MANDATE Nov 1979
- HONCHO Dec 1979 i have this issue
- TARGET CALENDAR 1980 (1979) 2 pics – March
- TARGET: TARGET ALBUM #2 (1981) – Bruno & Bull – 5 pages
- Target Presents: LOADED – w/Nick Rogers – 11 pages of this pair – full color
- Just Men – Vol. 3 No. 6 (1985) – 1 image
- STALLION Sept 1990 (or August, or both)
- HONCHO Nov 1998 – as “Rex + Alan” – color versions of the spread in TARGET ALBUM #2
- BULL DOZIER B&W Photo Set (PR-03) Slide Set (SR-03) (1979)
- UP TIGHT! B&W Photo Set (PT-03) Slide Set (ST-03) w/Nick Rogers (1980)
Closeup (AKA Up Tight!) 1979
Bull Dozier posts from my “blogger” years
Bull Dozier posts on wordpress years
Looking at the, art direction, is it? I can see why I sold this Target albm #2. I regret it, but you can see a below some full color versions, are better than these with the odd blue added, and are some of these poorly lit, or fake background? what gives?

I think I could use a cigarette after all that, too!