print porn models

rock the Kasznar


print porn models


who you may remember from such films as: OOPS – none!!! Kasznar – previously on BJland so maybe you remember Rod Kasznar from such publications as: COLT Studio Presents #2 – Denim Edition – (1980) COLT – Spurs 05 – cover + 17 pages solo, 15 pages w/partner King Donovan ‘”MENSROOM” (1981) MANDATE April (1981) […]

"vintage" porn stars Xmas

kasznar kissing santa claus

Okay, Okay…. so I don’t have a photo of Rod Kasznar kissing Santa…. but I’ve been trying to figure out a way of getting them in during my “publish drafts posts – Xmas posts only exception” phase I am going thru more Frank Vickers

"vintage" porn stars

leatherworld – Rod Kasznar

"vintage" porn stars print porn models

Rod Kasznar

Reader asked for more info on Rod; all I can find is that he seems to have only appeared in various COLT SPURS magazines – COLT SPURS 5 (1980/1?), COLT SPURS 11 (best of, #1) 1985, COLT SPURS 19 (Couples), and COLT SPURS 21 (Oh Daddy! issue) – check out these photos with Frank Vickers […]

print porn models

Colt Men Together

“In chaise longues on each side of me, poolside, sit Colt’s newest discoveries, Rod Kasznar and King Donovan, desert sun warming their oiled musculature. They met, not surprisingly, in a West Hollywood gym.” As promised, here ya go! For downloading, here’s a zip of the cover (which is not them) plus all these pages, article/interview […]

"vintage" porn stars


denim edition OK, OK, some may not want me to reduce Rod to just his cock, so here he is, cock out, mustache ready for your butt, and… and yes, no visable cock, but a rare pick of BENNY, enjoying Mark Rutter’s butt? who can resist?