Al Parker

Al Parker is a cocksucker

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17 replies on “Al Parker is a cocksucker”

#3 – Sorry BJ honey, this isn’t John Trent. It’s Paul Brooks. He’s one of those models, who only did print. As far as I know, he never appeared on film or video. : (

I mentioned him before:

Tsk! Tsk! – another example of you slipping. ; )

#10 might be from Taxi Driver (later found in Champs), that kind of looks like the yellow door of the cab in the background. If so Al is with Craig Ryan in that scene.

I was trying to place dick #1, could it be Leo Ford?

Not “a cocksucker;” he was THE cocksucker.

The photo with Kip Noll and the young gentleman with his heels in the air is interesting. This threesome was in the original film (“Flashback”) and the accompanying print volumes, but not in any DVD release. There was another scene with Mr. Parker and partner on a desk top that has also disappeared.

Anyone know what happened?

yes, i agree! THE – Al is my face cocksucker, Wrangler my face masturbater; wait, WHAT pic with Kip Noll and a young gentleman??? I have the vhs of Flashback (somewhere….) we’ll see if i can check on missing scenes.. AL with Kirk Manheim? that would be a shame if its missing – too much porn was lost in the late 80’s, when Al Sold to LeSalon, for example, and HIS Video jsut did awful chopped up jobs to films like El Paso Wrecking…

oops! now I see the feet in the Kip Noll photo!

zephyr, if you look very closely, you’ll notice that #1 and #5, are the same guy. Look at the same worn body, and skinny legs. Leo Ford was younger, and he was never that hung. His erect penis didn’t droop. It stuck straight out. This older gentleman isn’t identified from the magazine called, “Cock!” I used to own it. : )

; )

It looks like you’re right, one thing that threw me off was that the dick in Al’s mouth is curving downwards in the first pic, and upwards in #5. Also one is color and the other b&w. That dick must have just been a bendy one.

god dam I need to get COCK! (the magazine, that is! I’ve managed a few pages from eBay auctions, but not willing to pay $30+ – good eye on identifying the same cock in 2 pics

One of the best cocksuckers in gay porn history because he truly loved doing it. His hubby, Steve Taylor, was also fantastic at it.

Yup, totally agree. ‘Al’ adored cock, especially uncut. As we know, he didn’t much like being cut himself and had his skin, um, restored. What Al certainly had was screen presence and he knew what looked good on camera and framed shots in very imaginative and ultimately, fulfilling ways. Sadly, his directing wasn’t always top notch (just watch “Better than ever” with a critical eye and that proves my point well I think). I always appreciated his presence in gay porn because he was not only handsome and VERY sexy, he took time over his cock sucking, he didn’t just rush straight into fucking.

The two best cocksuckers in vintage gay porn are, IMHO, Al Parker and Jon King. Both were hungry, talented oralists, the kind you don’t see much of these days (maybe Griffin Barrows and a few other Chaosmen models?).

#1 – Hey, in the interest of full disclosure, I think this Surge picture was actually from “The Best of Al Parker” and not “Cock!” I used to own both of them. I admit my memory is kind of hazy. Do you think this older gentlemen, with the bendy/droopy dick, is named “Ty Gardner”? Could it be that he was in both publications? Maybe there isn’t a definitive answer – just asking. I’m so confused. ; )

Wow, great discussion in the comments section! It’s almost a year later and I’m engrossed. I have decent scans of “Cock!” the magazine and I will send it to you. Just let me know. Thanks for the great blog! Johnny

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