who you may remember from such films as Gayracula; Modern Men, Modern Toys; Outpost; Dock 9; Private Pool Party; Max Makes It Big!; Rod’s Raiders; S.F. Packing Co.; Black Magic, White Heat; Stud Search; and Uncut Fever 1 & 2
not Tom Selleck
Max Makes It Big
Modern Men
2 replies on “Max Montoya”
Are we absolutely sure that he was in “Gayracula” with Doug Weston, using the name Max Cooper? As I said before, even GEVI has doubts. There has to be a way to find out. Maybe we should compare the dicks. In “Gayracula”, he looks more rugged and filled out. It could be that he later lost weight.
not sure i’ll be allowed anytime on V-Day weekend to look at Gayracula, but will check as soon as possible.