"vintage" porn stars


AKA Giorgio Canali

NOVA films pornoclips pornstar - videography Surge Studios

Wade Davis

who you may remember from such films as:

… and that’s it for Wade’s film work! Most, but not all, of his magazine appearances are via Something Wild. And while he’s done only that one film and I oddly didn’t even mention his name in my very liberal post (but did years prior – Something Wild) – he’s in one of my favorite scenes. But just to refresh your memory, Wade plays a boss interviewing Glen Armstrong, and one of my all-time favorite interactions on the porn screen happens – scroll to the first clip, 45 seconds in, “Tell me Glenn, just how liberal are you?” delivered just perfectly! That’s the clip just below, and the full Glen + Wade scene is further down.

who you may also remember from such publications as:

  • TOOL SHOP – from the film Something Wild
  • Something Wild – 94 pages
  • Something Wild Vol 1 No 1 – 48 pages
  • Honcho July 1983 – photos by J. Wayne Higgs
  • Long Schlong , paired with Cliff Rogers (Surge) – same pics also appeared in Bullpen and Good & Plenty
  • Footlong ?? – pretty sure it’s him

So that first clip is “scene within a scene” – Glen is telling the story of his potential new boss (Wade) hitting on him, where Wade tells Glen the story of just how “liberal” the work place is – with him stumbling upon a pair of workers going at it, seeing a 3rd worker watching, and soon they are all going at it. Then (below), we come back to the interview, and Glen deciding he’s very liberal, after all.

Wade appears at least 3 more time in print outside of the NOVA Something Wild magazines – a Honcho – the only solo appearance I know of; a Surge publication Long Schlong (and those images pop up in other publications) just below; and finally, something I am 98% sure is Wade – Footlong, further down.


Above: Honcho 1983; below from a magazine called Footlong, with Geraldo & Gary – I’m guessing guessing “Gary” is Wade.

VintageGayVids review from YorjYefferson


Something Wild theme – by Garth Evans

"vintage" porn stars

John Atlas?

Nino Scappa, – is that you? These images are from a magazine called Take Off, from Griffin International. I don’t have the entire magazine, just a few I kept on the porn-drive. Nino’s done his film work for Brentwood and still photography for COLT; plus appearing in magazines like this one from Griffin International and Pacer ( Buns or Hot Buns)


directors Drummer magazine

Jim Wigler

Director: Jim Wigler

who you may remember from such films as:

  • Folsom Street Sex (1990)
  • Manrites (1994)
  • Sex in Dangerous Places (1994)
  • Shop Sex (1994)
  • Man to Man (1995)
  • Copsucker (1996)
  • Red Dog Saloon (1997)
  • Uniforms M4M (1998)

(another post languishing in “drafts” folder – there’s a lot more to Wigler’s career than this post, of course, but if I wait any longer, it will be 3 more years and no discernible difference!)

I will readily acknowledge that I did not know he directed porno flicks, even though I know quite well I’ve enjoyed Copsucker (the title alone, plus Donnie Russo – I mean, c’mon!) Anyway, I was familiar with him as an excellent photographer, and now that I am trying to be better about researching and acknowledging who created the sexy photos I like to post, that’s when I discovered his work as a director. Most of what pops up when I search my own hard drive for “Wigler” is going to be Drummer magazines I’ve sold over the years (and some Bear-related zines as well); plus some videotapes where he played a different role than director, like Dildo Boot Pigs, (how can you not love that title) where he handled videography, editing, and score! Oh, and 90’s HONCHO magazines… and… you can see why stuff gets tuck in drafts – always more research.

Jack Wrangler


both pics from Skinflicks – below from the film Heavy Equipment – and now that I’ve added that link, I can see I’ve posted both pics before – less than a year ago, and in the same post! Some things you can’t see enough, and Jack and his cock is definitively one of them

"vintage" porn stars COSCO Studios pornoclips

More Than a Mouthful

This image comes from a 1985 issue of Skinflicks – Volume 6, No 1., to be exact. I first saw this image on the box cover of a compilation, Magnum Griffin Collection, Volume 9 – which I sold in 2003. “Oddly” – but not surprising, the scene with Rydar Hanson wearing this is not contained in that compilation, but it comes from a Joey Yale effort – More Than a Mouthful (1985). There is a scene with Ryder contained in the compilation, from a different Yale movie – Thinking Big – with Eric Stryker.

You can see the scanned image from the old VHS box I owned years back, and you can see why I’m happy to have a better quality version of the image – cock and it’s foreskin so much clearer; veiny arms and cock; foreskin shadow! the way he’s licking his lips…

I’m hesitant to post the clip – it’s a 27-minute 3 way in a jail cell (the leather is the fantasy part).

Rydar Hansen imagines himself in leather harness and cap. His cellmates Ricky Turner and Chase Turner (bearded here) suck him off. Chase also sucks, rims and tops Ricky. And Rydar tops Ricky.

what the heck – let’s start with a few minutes, and you can check out the full scene after that if you want.

Clay Russell


These pics of Clay Russell come from a 1986 ARENA publication, MAN MEAT Vol 1 No1 – but I suspect they were taken closer to around 1979, likely from NOVA. Don’t get Clay photographed hard very often – but scroll and you’ll get a nice look.

Would love to get my hands on a good copy of MAN MEAT Vol 1 No2