Laid Back pt 1 and Laid Back pt 2 (1978) – AKA Lovers – found in Bullet Videopac 8

photos from the Target magazine Javelin #4 (1978) (a magazine I wish I owned, as I’d make higher quality scans)
music by… I love it! someone mixes Kraftwerk’s – It’s more fun to compute (utube link), nature sounds, Vangelis’ Eric’s Theme, 100 Metres and Five Circles (all from Chariots of Fire) groaning and grunting, back to Kraftwerk with Computerwelt (utube link), and more nature sounds. Perfect.

2 replies on “Laid Back”
Hot movie with Bruno. Was always a fan of his.
I agree! Who isn’t a fan?
Well, I’m sure not everybody, but even if you’re not into him, you can recognize that he’s a huge gay porn icon.
Thanks to BJ!