NOVA films

Lee’s pants

poor Lee Marlin! Look at the pained expression on his face, modeling these pants. And of course, for me, the fast that the pics aren’t as good as they could be – despite or because of these disco trousers, how did they not get a better ass shot? I mean, why put his only ass shot from the magazine in the fold!!!??? ( I guess it could be worse – the fold coulda been up his ass crack…. another lost opportunity.

Lee Marlin videography; photos from a publication called TOP STUFF #1

5 replies on “Lee’s pants”

I agree, the final photo with Lee’s face in the fold is terrible. Aargh!

Lee Marlin’s dick is so delicious. There’s something incredibly hot about a man who’s wearing nothing put pants and the pants are down just far enough for his cock to come out. As awful and hysterical as those pants are, they are hot in the pics where his dick (and ass) is hanging over them.

Is “Top Stuff” a Nova magazine? Is Lee Marlin the only model?

Good stuff, BJ!

the magazine doesn’t give publication info – no publisher or date. Subtitle is Kissin’ Cousins
, without naming the models! (Jerry Mason and Tad Wilson). so 8 pages of Lee, about 30 of the pair of cousins, and then about 8 pages of Rod Sawyer.

Is that the same staircase as the third pic on your videography link? That’s a much better ass shot and without the unsightly fold, or the disco pants. The bracelet could also be a clue but it’s on his opposite arm in the other pic.

HA! I was thinking EXACTLY about that staircase when I posted – I know I’ve seen it in other NOVA photographs, and perhaps one with…. hmmm nope, not that one – stairway to Keith – but yeah, I think I can picture Jon King, maybe

These are the two stairway pics from your videography post, for the first one you didn’t give it a tag when I hover over the image. But for the 2nd one in color you called it ‘Politics Be Damned’ and that was what I was thinking. Unless maybe they were just filmed at the same staircase on different days. His hair looks a little shaggier in the Nova loop.

Where did you get the ‘butt staircase’ black and white shot, do you know its source? Like the magazine or where you found it. Because that’s the one I was talking about that could match these pics from Top Stuff 1.

Also the Stairway to Keith link needs to be fixed, I had to remove the stuff at the end to get it to work.

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