
Et … Dieu créa les Hommes

Et … Dieu créa les Hommes
(1978) – AKA And God Created Men

back in 2006 I ALMOST sold this – I can see I kept the draft of an auction – and I think I may have the TMX box, plus another plain copy – my digital version was made by a pal who borrowed a bunch of films, digitized for themself, then let me have the digital copies as well as returning my VHS tapes. (Aaaarggh! but now I can’t locate it, and wanted to do a scan of the box cover, since I had the TMX version).

Meanwhile some years back I acquired this old French version of “IN” magazine, which had two photos from the film. What I remember about the film is murky – I did get to see it in the theatre – lovers have a quarrel, one takes off in his car and gets in car accident. The other has a lot of sleazy sex, including phone sex where he is so turned on the phone receiver goes up/in his butt! Anyway, here’s the promo for the film.

porno pet peeves print porn models

bête noire

This was originally a very simple post – the above pic, and that’s it.
Just enjoy it for a moment – beautifully composed, great body, the veins on the hand popping as it’s holding that upright gorgeous cock – Regarder!

Any regular reader would know I am a huge fan of Ben Chapin (AKA Michel Guillot), and while I may have seen the image before, I love it and think it’s enough to feast your eyes on and not need any text or additional pics. So, I had just scanned it from a newly acquired old magazine (Jockstrap – more on that in another post), cropped, uploaded, and continued scanning the magazine when I get to – oh, you’ll see. “Porno Pet Peeve” just isn’t enough. Anyway, I gasped – what art director thought this was a good idea??? Here, a bit more Ben before we get to the porno magazine art direction tragedy that this one simple page had me gagging in disbelief (the bad kind of gagging, no?).

So anyway, I get that no one created a dirty magazine thinking decades later some old sleazy rambling porno crazed guy would be uploading pics and complaining that each image isn’t perfect – the “inset” has it’s place, and I can see that sometimes it can add some interest, or just alternating the way each page is set up makes the magazine look better. Scroll all the way to the bottom of this post and you’ll see an image that, while I would prefer no inset at all, instead seeing the full beautiful image of that man without his shoulder cut off; but I get it. But if you dare, scroll just past this and see the horror, the horror of art direction gone amuck and someone who thinks it will look nice to obscure one of the most beautiful cocks ever to make it into a magazine.

Ben! (Michel!) please avert your eyes and don’t look at what’s been done!

If you’ve gotten this far, just know that there is a place to see the image as it was intended to be – on an earlier post I made of Ben Chapin!


American Story

From the J-D.C. publication American Story (1978), part of the Masculin magazine series – this is Masculin 2. I was just typing “no credit on this or any of the models”, when one of the last pages does give names, and inspiration! Apparently each photosession was inspired by an American film. This gentleman is Ducko Vucko-Vic, and inspiration comes from the 1955 film East of Eden – well, how ’bout that!

Clay Russell

bondage #3

from a recent acquisition, Men of Action – BONDAGE #3 (1983) – I think it’s Clay Russell’s hand, based on other pics in the magazine, and based on those pics, I think it corresponds to a film called A SERVANT’S ERROR – the men are identified as Ronald and Reggie (but in another magazine,Bound to Serve they are ID’d as Clay Russell and Ted Roberts (who we’ve seen in Stable Studs). The pic above is page 4 of the magazine, but we don’t see the 5-page spread of the pair until page 40. Despite the publication date, I’m pretty sure these photos (and the film) are from the mid 70’s.

Target Studios

Richard Barrett?

I rarely rarely just re-post a full magazine page or two; while I try not to get too “creative” with changing original images, I’m usually just cropping out any text, re-centering, cutting out dirty feet or other unflattering bits – that sort of thing. Here I’m posting the pages as they appeared, just in case it helps someone help me ID this guy – I really don’t remember this Target model! Honcho began sometime in the late 90’s to publish vintage pics (alas, usually only 2 pages) from the “Target Archives” – sometimes using a different name (Like Nick Rogers was in the October 2000 issue of Honcho, but the text was: Flashback: Larry White – Los Angeles, CA 1978 ). So in this case, Richard may not be his name, or even his “model” name – but still, just his image – I am drawing a blank! This “Flashback” is from the April 1999 issue of Honcho – anyone?

Pantheon Productions pornoclips

Miles & Billy

Miles & Billy – AKA Interludes #1 (1981) – starring Miles Mitchell (AKA Tom Miles) and… Billy

stills are from the magazine: NUDE LUDE DUDES (which, alas, has no photographer or model credits) but it does seem to have several pairings besides Miles & Billy. I sold my copy in the great purge of 2017, and the digital pages I have are missing the first 10 pages of the magazine.

I finally digitized my copy of Interludes – VHS – not sure that I will post it in its entirety, as some of the scenes suffer some technical issues (that horizontal line mid-way through) but let’s see how this scene works. I am pleased that the music overlay seems to have been thought through, which you maybe can’t tell without the entire 60 minutes, but someone took the care not to do a simple slap it up process.

edit/update: as noted in the comments (thanks, JohnnyLlama!) I got one of the pics wrong – it’s been moved to the bottom of the post so we can at least see my mistake – and then I added 2 additional pics, below

speaking of Miles Mitchell, check out this clip, 3 mustaches, with Mickey Squires and Will Seagers, from the film Face To Face.

90's porn porno pet peeves

Steve Regis

So what could possibly be wrong with this photospread of hunk Steve Regis, from the January issue of JOCK magazine to get it labeled in the “porno pet peeves” category? The first pic below should clue you in, but there’s actually another reason the 9-page photospread, as hot as Steve is, coulda been better/hotter. While I didn’t include all 9, only the first pic has Steve in the bike shorts!! WTF? I mean, not everyone can pull them off (teehee – glad there’s no pics out there of me from the 90’s in them) – but Steve sure can. I guess I will have to locate a copy of The Brawnzmen to see how long he keeps them on.

(is this a bad link? – Steve Regis – it’s got a nice bio / videography of Steve)

why oh why is his cock cut off???!! Next pic is better, but we get full cock at the expense of one of his pits!

just a couple older posts with Steve at the “old blog”