pornoclips Tom DeSimone

Extra Hot Tub

Hot Tub AKA Extra Hot Tub from the 1980 film Flesh and Fantasy

We’ve got Jim Bataglia and Bob Moore (we only see Bob in 2 other films?? – both from Steve Scott, Performance – is he in the audience for the “performance? and Turned On! – is he in the fantasy/orgy scene?). I digress. DeSimone chooses a male/female couple to introduce each scene (off camera) with a perplexed lady wondering why she’s involved, as the male lays out the storyline, briefly.

oh, and shout out to DAVID M who pointed out this is same hot tub/back yard as we saw over in The Hot Tub post from a few days back – thanks DAVID!

Images are from a magazine OVERLOAD, which has photos from the film – but oddly changes all the models’ names, the scene names, leaves one scene out, and (no complaints here) has 2 photospreads for the Overtime Training scene. Probably a future post breaking all that down. This scene in the magazine is called Hard Water.

and the cover of the magazine – which I wish I had a better quality scan, but what can you do?

12 replies on “Extra Hot Tub”

I’m not sure which film came out first, Flesh & Fantasy or Wet Shorts, but Wet Shorts seems to be the sequel to Flesh & Fantasy using a book to introduce the scenes. Both Tom DeSimone films.

Tom DeSimone must have directed the previous Hot Tub feature in Private Collection (it’s split between 3 total directors). Private Collection must have previous scenes cut for some reason & re-edited together to make a film.

Re: Bob Moore – “(we only see Bob in 2 other films??)” : |

Honestly, BJ! When will you EVER learn? I already covered this! Tsk! Tsk! Take notes! : )

In your GEVI link to “Performance (1981)”; there’s a rectangular box icon at the top, containing three publicity images.

When you click and enlarge the third, last square; there’s a screencap of Moore’s bathroom scene, where he’s being serviced by Lee Laney (skinny) – the fourth image across. Later, another guy (cute) joins them, for a three-way. Bob eventually fucks Lee.

Others, besides me and David, have also mentioned Bob’s scene with R.J. Reynolds and Derek Stanton, in “Wet Shorts (1980)” – window washer. So how could you have forgotten? : /

Yes, I realize his alias this time, is “Bob Marsh”. But that’s still no excuse! His face is distinct. Bob thumps his dick against the window pane, to get the couple’s attention.

Bob Moore/Marsh is also in “Three Day Pass (1981)”, remember? Of course you don’t! : D

This time, his name is David Simons. Click on the first box icon, at the very top. The one with the cute drawing of J.W. King, by SEAN! (Don’t you just love it, zephyr?) The third screencap down, has “Simons” fucking Shawn Victors (missionary style), under the loop title, “Sailing the Seven Seas”. (?)

I’m with Johnny-My Pet-Llama. I’m also not a fan of Shawn Victors – goat face! : /

Scroll all the way down this GEVI page, to read #4 – their scene synopsis.

I especially remember their pier scene, together. It was musically scored by an eerie, techo song, mentioning “Mr. X”, in the lyrics – creepy. Do you have any knowledge of this “Mr. X” tune, zephyr? It’s pretty rare, that I would remember such a song in a porn film, but it was distinct – strange.

Hey, you know what? I think I may have solved, who he was in “Turned On! (1982)”! Oh, I’m so great! You know how I just love, giving myself credit! What would I do, without me? LOL!

Okay, chill out – just kidding! I also give you credit. You definitely helped! As you can tell, Moore/Marsh has a distinct face. His nose is rather prominent: almost a snout – horn dog! He also has an overbite.

BELOW: Look at this group photo you provided – practically the Village People!

Let me use the process of elimination. See the motorcycle cop, in between John Trent aka Joe Bragg (lumberjack) (both you and Woody need to thank me) and Jim Rodgers (sailor) above him? Zero in like a laser, on his mouth and nose. : 0

It’s him, I’m certain! You’re welcome! The jacket is a pretty good disguise, since he’s rather skinny.

For the record, the fireman third from the left; is Gian Carlos. Both he and Rick Faulkner; were also in “Greenhorn (1982)”.

So, to summarize, Bob Moore/Marsh aka David Simons had three aliases, and made FIVE movies, from last count. : )



Okay, BJ honey! Let me stop being obnoxious, and sincerely thank you, for this hot clip and post! I wanted to link to it, but I got lazy and forgetful. I can be gracious and humble like you, when I want to be – honestly! : )

I’ve been hoping, you would eventually post about Bob Moore/Marsh, for quite a while now – definitely a fan. I so appreciate, that you also celebrate; second tier porn performers, as well as stars!

I wish he would have worked out more, but his performances, more than make up for it! Both he and Jim Bataglia were great performers, though they both had skinny arms/legs, and doughy bodies. : /

But don’t get me wrong! I still found both, desirable! : P

Moore/Marsh especially, was so relentlessly horny, and enthusiastic! Being so vivid and uninhibited, counts for a lot! He really wasn’t a looker, but his face was still interesting, despite the overbite – long eyelashes!

This was his only talkie. He has a resonant speaking voice, and can handle dialogue – natural actor! I never knew he actually bottomed – versatile!

All the photos are great, despite the mislabeling – Tom McCoy and Jim Bates?

BELOW: Here’s a closer view. I think Bataglia, looks uncannily like Tom Selleck here! Yeah, I somewhat agree with your assessment, that Doug Weston also looked like him. But I think the resemblance, is pretty superficial.

Selleck’s hair and mustache; was more thick and curly. Plus his body was hairier – more testosterone! With or without the mustache, he looked divine! I’m curious what Jim would look like, clean shaven.

Bataglia was generally masculine, though his voice; could sometimes slip into sounding, rather “nelly” – gay speech or lisp. Both him and Selleck, have a ripe, facial sensuality – long thick eyelashes!

Sorry, but here’s another complaint. Why does Tom DeSimone, always add dubbed, loud voices to the sex action? It’s like an old sitcom’s, laugh track. : /

The “Oohs!”, “Ahs!”, “Ohs!”, “Uhs!” can get, pretty ridiculous! Especially when the lips aren’t moving – hilarious! Not to mention, the fake, loud, slurping/sucking sounds – more wetness, for the water action! : |

Oh well, he still was a great, vintage porn director! : )

One last topic; you know I like to babble – can’t shut up! : 0

Re: the last picture, the OVERLOAD magazine cover, with Rob Stevens and Randy Gutzman. Wow, wasn’t Randy Gutzman, a looker! Was “Flesh and Fantasy” his only movie? I’m sure I rented this. But I don’t recall this scene. Maybe I can find it online.

While we’re on the subject of physical likeness; I think Gutzman; has a slight resemblance to both Bill Cable/Stoner, and actor, Christian Bale! Is that a bruise, smudge, or birthmark, on his right, butt-cheek? Sorry to be so anal, but it bugs me – “Make up!” or “Photoshop!” Either/or, it needs to be fixed! : )

Thanks BJ honey, for tolerating me, and letting me indulge! Wish I had more time to respond to you, zephyr, Johnny-My Pet-Llama, and yes, Parisian, retroactively! : |

Plus anyone else, who mentions me – ego! : O

So many great posts! So little time! : (

; )

I just noticed, even the champagne glasses are the same as in “The Hot Tub! Thank the porn gods that Becky didn’t show up!

Could you tell which number of Overload it is? Cause the last photo that says 100 colors is personal favorites. That was the last scene of Flesh and Fantasy. The movie was from 1980 but the Overload magazine number was Feb 1987? Could you check?

I can’t fine that overload magazine with Randy anywhere. Could you tell which overload magazine it was?

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