"vintage" porn stars


from the Arena magazine Locker #3 (1979), Bob Blount (AKA Lloyd Kasper, and even David Dillon that time he posed for Roy Blakey) and Karl (who looks much younger dry – I prefer him wet).

more Bob Blount on BJland – perhaps even with some of these same shots!

3 replies on “LOCKER #3”

Who is the top? Good contrast with the longish hair & beard from Bob Blount & the mystery guy who is clean shaven & short hair.

I prefer all men wet. I agree Karl is young, but he has a toughness that is very appealing. And I love his Little Devil tat. He’s no babyface.

The hot tub part of the magazine is the wettest and maybe the best. But I love the story the rest of the mag shows of how they hooked up, the few shots of them groping each other on the street on the way into the baths, and how they fool around in several different places before they reach the tub. It’s a very hot magazine.

Great post, BJ!

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