porno pet peeves pornoclips Surge Studios


I was very excited to see this comment from CRAIG, ID’ing the cover model from the Job Site movie as Drake Woods from Head Trips (1984). SO excited, in fact, that I spent a good amount of time putting together a post with video, images, VHS box cover art, and links, only to discover that – I POSTED THE CLIP BEFORE – and not that long ago in this 2021 post – Head Waiter.

But we’re here – so watch the clip here, or there, but read the post there it’s got some decent additional info – but but but – after Craig points out Drake Woods (replying to our JohnnyLlama) is the cover model – I take a re-look – hot guy, right? How cum I don’t recall him in Head Trips and what else has he done? Nothing! Nothing else that I can find, at least! He’s credited with 3 videos on GEVI, and it’s the same scene, Restaurant, from Al Parker’s Head Trips. Pics? well, the cover art is probably his best pics – sure he looks good below, in action, but no real straight on pics. Of course Tico looks great, and I may well have focused my camera mostly on Tico as well if I were the photographer (well, if i got any work done, that is) so here we are. Actually, the 3 men, all lightly hairy, each with one or more tattoos, and they get quite sweaty… I think I’ll take a little “alone time” break now.

Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. Richard Locke

Fuck Me, Fuck Me, Daddy!

DADDY DEAREST – 40th Anniversary!
World premiere new 2K restoration!

Monday, December 9, 2024 7PM
IFC CENTER 323 6th avenue, New York, NY 10014

I figured since most of us can’t go, I’d post this 1984 article/interview from Manifest magazine. Here’s a zip file of the pages if you prefer to download for yourself. But before I end my celebration of all that is DADDY DEAREST, there is one thing that’s been bothering me ever since I saw it’s getting this great restoration and screening (OK, besides me not being there!) Check this out from the description on the IFC website: “Edward Thompson (Daniel Holt) is a gay porno filmmaker hard at work on his latest epic: the tacky story of a pair of college buddies (Dean Johnson and Andrew Dupree) wanting to hook up with an older daddy (Richard Locke) called Fuck Me, Fuck Me, Daddy! But as shooting gets underway…. – “tacky story”?? who wrote that? what’s so “tacky” about it? Am I being weird about the poor choice of words? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not an “intriguing story” or “compelling story” or “sad story” or or or… I could go on, right?!! But tacky??? Simple story, “age old story” “relatable story” I mean, tacky – was this in like the original publicity? I’m getting myself worked up – oh harummmmph!

Don’t forget my Daddy Dearest page

also coming up:
Another Bressan film restored – JUICE – with a screening at Anthology Film Archives SATURDAY DECEMBER 14 – 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003

"vintage" porn stars

may I help you?

the facial (expressions) are too much!

more Big Men on Campus on BJland

correction/edit: images from a magazine called Big Man on Campus, which includes images from at least 2 films – Big Men on Campus and Wet Shorts; this threesome appear in the film Wet Shorts

pornoclips Tom DeSimone

Bad Bad Boys (intro)

I cannot remember why I wanted to post the intro to Tom DeSimone 1979 film, Bad, Bad Boys, but irregardless, here it is. And with all the love sent to Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. with TWO of his films getting restored and shown on the big screen this month, let’s not forget Tom – much more prolific, some amazing stars have worked with him, let’s hope some of his work gets the star treatment it deserves as well.

oh wait – it had something to do with this comment on another post – perhaps a scene from here appears on that tape?


Starring: Guy De Silva, Rufus, Guy Lance, Derrick Stanton, Steve Event, Lenny Koto, Bill Leonard, Dick Miller, Johnny Ryan, and introducing Johnny Dawes (as B.J.)

so here we go – this is the promo for the film, above; a link to the full version of Theo Vaness’s I’m A Bad Bad Boy, which of course is the theme music to the film! A review of the film many years later in Manshots magazine; and of course, previously on BJland posts

print porn models

look into the distance

a bit more Nick Chase on BJland

Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. pornoclips

Try the porn theaters, you never know

as mentioned earlier this week, another Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.’s film has been restored and is getting an NYC screening!

JUICE (1984)

Anthology Film Archives 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003

Starring: Michael Christopher, Butch LaCross, Vincent Thomas (see interview link below), Robert Vega, Emilio Leone, Eric Ryan, Francesco Lorca, Jeff Stone, and Jeremy Scott

“A photographer working at the magazine “JUICE” has 48 hours in New York City to get some hot pics to meet the mag’s deadline. Eric Ryan and Michael Christopher, talk about 2 nice fat cocks! Michael Christopher in another gentle, sexy performance.” – nice quote!

I chose the above scene because it not only shows some 1980’s NYC, got the film-within-a-film bit, but mostly Eric Ryan’s answer to “got any ideas?” is “Try the porn theaters, you never know” – THAT WAS MY 1980’s NYC MOTTO!

JUICE on letterboxd ; JUICE on GEVI

“JUICE, it’s a wild sensation; JUICE, it’s an inspiration”

JUICE on BJland (maybe some posts from 2001-2010 blog?) and JUICE on BJland – surprisingly not as much after 2010 – to be ameliorated!

Added bonus – while I wasn’t a fan at the time, I stumbled upon this 1987 Vince Thomas interview from Stallion magazine; check it out, includes interview + nekkid pics!

"vintage" porn stars

best little

someone mentioned being a big Michael Christopher fan (or was it the biggest?) And then i stumbled upon these, from The Best Little Warehouse in L.A. (1982) and figured some more MC exposure before the NYC premiere of JUICE was in order (see details below)

restored version of Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.’s 1984 film,

Anthology Film Archives 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003