Log Jammin’ – (1982) – ummm –
Brentwood loops strung together by T.J.Thomas and (someguy) “narrating” the scenes; if you pay attention, they clearly didn’t see or describe these scene correctly. And who’s our boxcover art coverboy ?? Who the fuck are the guys credited on the box cover? and the director/producer? put together some chopped up films strips from someone else’s work and…?
I sold my VHS copy in 2007 – appears to be Scene 3: Breakdown (Brentwood) with Jack Burke, Scott Anderson, and a 3rd guy; OK, I’ll admit I got bored and gave up on ID’in the 2nd three-some – anyone?
music by Jean-Luc Ponty and Jean Michel Jarre, right?

6 replies on “Log Jammin’”
“Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky
Until the ocean covers every mountain high …”
That’s the first song heard in the clip, and Ponty’s cover of As is also heard in Huge 1 and Valley Boys (and probably others as well). Forbidden Portraits has some Ponty music also.
Though curiously, As does NOT play in the Brentwood collection called Breakdown, which also includes Sling: A Leather Fantasy. The only song from the collection I could i.d. when I reviewed it was She’s My Girl by The Turtles, which played on the salesman’s (probably Rob Carter though I wasn’t sure either):
So I guess the music was replaced when they edited this clip down, which I didn’t watch all of yet as I’m pressed for time. But I’ll get back to it later. One more oddity, of the four box cover images on the gevi page, none match with your Tom Hartung box cover so maybe you’ve got (or had) the copy distributed by Hawk Productions? The Bijou ones of course are just ‘slap whoever on the box cover whether they were in the film or not’ mentality.
If I have more thoughts or notes I’ll add them later.
Matt Sterling, under a different name, started at Brentwood with various loops as a director. He then moved to Falcon video & started going by the Matt Sterling moniker & created the Huge imprint. Originally, Falcon did not list name of directors. An early Falcon director is just a pseudonym for various directors at the studio.
Well done Zephyr- you are the music king! – And good observations David about gay porn directors.
I think this is a perfect example of crimes in box cover art (I would’ve been so pissed if I bought this and then no Tom Hartung) and this is what you often get with a VHS compilation. Bizarre/incorrect credits, poor quality, unnecessary editing, continuity errors, soundtrack changes, awful dubbing, and so on. It looks like it’s gone through several releases in different formats.
Despite all this, some of these loops were quite good (as we can see in the clip) and very enjoyable even as part of a disaster of a compilation. I really don’t need the badly synced footage of the guys introducing each scene, but that’s easily ignored. I’ve seen way worse. We’ve all bought or rented something like this over the years. You still try to get the most you can out of it!
I can’t ID the 3rd guy with Jack Burke & Scott Anderson in “Breakdown” but I certainly admire his oral skills!
The clip BJ added here seems to be scenes 3 and 4 from the gevi listing, though the descriptions of those scenes are incomplete. The Breakdown scene should say ‘Jack Burke, Scott Anderson + 1 unidentified performer’ which he claims could be the Rob Carter who isn’t part of the cast list, but was in El Paso Wrecking Corp. and has a pic on his performer page:
And it kinda looks like that pic of Rob from the parts of that scene in the clip, which picks up after his car breaks down and naked Jack & Scott come by on horseback. That was when the Turtles song played in the Breakdown collection.
And scene 4 should read ‘Don, Mike + 1 unknown’ since this edit also picks up well into the scene, after the farmhand (whoever he was) sees the scene from Eureka Bound and the two trespassers jump him. But I don’t know who the third is from their scene, the gevi page for the loop has a few pics of the threesome going on but not all their faces are shown clearly:
These collections served a purpose at the time especially for the loops that predated VCRs becoming so popular, but the slapdash nature of some of them made it a challenge to tell the players without a program. Falcon generally treated their collections of loops with more respect to the source material but even they would edit and rearrange parts.
That ‘Big Parade’ scene from the Brentwood collection Breakdown takes up the first half of the hour runtime and seems to be complete, and is a terrific time capsule of late 70s San Francisco before the sex starts up. I can’t recall if BJ posted that clip here or I just told him about it and what I learned, from Harvey Milk in the parade to the music when the guy strips in the bar, and the dicks of the two guys (one in particular was a huge thick one) who get it on in their own sling which was a hot scene. Also odd that Travis was experimenting with live sound then, long before most loops were doing.
nice job! where do I begin?? I was skeptical on Rob Carter as I thought he was in the parking lot scene in El Paso, but no – he was with Fred Halsted in the can I pop it for ya? scene, and I would bet money they are the same guy.
and yup, I posted Big Parade a while back.
I think COLT, and Falcon, somehow managed to keep control of their work – probably a mix of lawyers and mobsters – but otherwise, folks who made porno movies often saw their stuff bootlegged and sold directly to movie theaters, mail order, and porno shops – and some were so sloppy they just used crappy versions and threw them together with some lame “let me tell you what i saw at the barn yesterday” pairing who eventually does it. One reason Al Parker produced so many magazines was after seeing his films getting ripped off, he learned he had more control over print – and the proceeds from the magazines. Gosh, even in the 90’s I saw a glimpse at a pornoboooth shop making dupes of VHS in the back – I sincerely doubt licensing and quality control was on their minds!
in case your wondering what the “wrong” box cover should look like without the blur –