I was very excited to see this comment from CRAIG, ID’ing the cover model from the Job Site movie as Drake Woods from Head Trips (1984). SO excited, in fact, that I spent a good amount of time putting together a post with video, images, VHS box cover art, and links, only to discover that – I POSTED THE CLIP BEFORE – and not that long ago in this 2021 post – Head Waiter.
But we’re here – so watch the clip here, or there, but read the post there it’s got some decent additional info – but but but – after Craig points out Drake Woods (replying to our JohnnyLlama) is the cover model – I take a re-look – hot guy, right? How cum I don’t recall him in Head Trips and what else has he done? Nothing! Nothing else that I can find, at least! He’s credited with 3 videos on GEVI, and it’s the same scene, Restaurant, from Al Parker’s Head Trips. Pics? well, the cover art is probably his best pics – sure he looks good below, in action, but no real straight on pics. Of course Tico looks great, and I may well have focused my camera mostly on Tico as well if I were the photographer (well, if i got any work done, that is) so here we are. Actually, the 3 men, all lightly hairy, each with one or more tattoos, and they get quite sweaty… I think I’ll take a little “alone time” break now.

6 replies on “Restaurant”
Roger Earl’s Naked Lunch must have been inspired by the Al Parker Surge, Head Trips restaurant scene.
Michael Charles is hot…….
no…… !
I mean no – you just got me down another rabbit hole – one other (Surge) film? photos with Dave Ashfield in KINKY magazine from that film – Strange Places… Strange Things! ??
Michael Charles’ chest tattoo is not present in “Strange Places…” but his other tats are a match. I’m sure it’s just because he hadn’t had it done yet or something.
From what I see in Kinky! magazine, his scene with David Ashfield looks hot, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen the video. I’ll have to get on that!
Wow, great job to Craig for pointing this out.
I’m a big fan of that scene from Head Trips, but I never noticed that Michael Charles was the cover model from “Job Site.” The restaurant scene from “Head Trips” is very hot, and I love how Al Parker & Steve Taylor cameo as two of the diners! I wish they’d joined in the action.
Michael Charles is indeed hot with his sexy ‘stache and lean, fuzzy body. I’m still miffed that he was on the cover for “Job Site,” but NOT in the film. He would have made a good addition!
Whoops, looks like I got a little confused between Michael Charles and Drake Woods. Can you blame me? So similar. Actually, I just get confused a lot. I think that when I refer to Michael Charles in my comments in the above thread I am mostly referring to Drake Woods?
I’m still confused. Drake Woods was definitely in Head Trips, but NOT Job Site and not Strange Places…Strange Things. While Michael Charles was in the restaurant scene from Head Trips AND he was in Strange Places. That explains the tattoos.
I think I’ve got it straight now. Ha ha. Faaaaar from straight. Isn’t it hot when you have a scene with 2 or more guys who look so similar that it eventually just becomes a tangle of sweaty limbs and you can’t tell who’s who? It’s like a fuck monster. Nice.