DADDY DEAREST – 40th Anniversary!
World premiere new 2K restoration!
Monday, December 9, 2024 7PM
IFC CENTER 323 6th avenue, New York, NY 10014
I figured since most of us can’t go, I’d post this 1984 article/interview from Manifest magazine. Here’s a zip file of the pages if you prefer to download for yourself. But before I end my celebration of all that is DADDY DEAREST, there is one thing that’s been bothering me ever since I saw it’s getting this great restoration and screening (OK, besides me not being there!) Check this out from the description on the IFC website: “Edward Thompson (Daniel Holt) is a gay porno filmmaker hard at work on his latest epic: the tacky story of a pair of college buddies (Dean Johnson and Andrew Dupree) wanting to hook up with an older daddy (Richard Locke) called Fuck Me, Fuck Me, Daddy! But as shooting gets underway…. – “tacky story”?? who wrote that? what’s so “tacky” about it? Am I being weird about the poor choice of words? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not an “intriguing story” or “compelling story” or “sad story” or or or… I could go on, right?!! But tacky??? Simple story, “age old story” “relatable story” I mean, tacky – was this in like the original publicity? I’m getting myself worked up – oh harummmmph!

Don’t forget my Daddy Dearest page
also coming up:
Another Bressan film restored – JUICE – with a screening at Anthology Film Archives SATURDAY DECEMBER 14 – 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003

7 replies on “Fuck Me, Fuck Me, Daddy!”
Yes, that is unfortunate wording if you’re trying to sell tickets to an event. The screening is being organized by a guy named Adam (you can look up social media posts about this screening if you want his full name) and whoever runs the podcast Ask Any Buddy. Same with Juice.
I have to assume that when the eventual Blu-ray comes out, such offensive verbiage will NOT appear anywhere on the packaging or promo materials.
Thanks so much for posting this and for including a zip file of the whole article.
I am very interested in the article, but I also loooove the photo collage with scenes from the film. Obviously, I’d prefer full page shots, but I’ll take this. They did a decent job making it look like scattered prints. Evokes the proper sense of nostalgia, and even more so today, 40 years later.
I’m really interested in Manifest magazine though, and why don’t I know enough about this magazine?! I know you’ve posted stuff from it before…
…but how could this entire magazine series have escaped my attention?!
Anyway, this is great stuff and a lovely consolation prize for those of us who can’t attend.
Also, who says “tacky” these days? Harrumph.
Thanks BJ!
Wonderful post and article. Really informative. Wish I could make the screening!
Thanks some much for sharing this and taking the time to do it so well!
Much appreciated!
This was a great time… the theater was packed. I’d not seen this before, and in their introduction, KJ and Liz (the Ask Any Buddy podcasters) warned us that there would be a LOT of sex. Compared to Bressan’s other films, this was about 80% explicit content; his others are maybe 20%.
The film looked great (some reels more than others), the sound was fantastic, and the sex… wow. He managed to show character THROUGH their actual and fantasy sexual escapades, and Richard Locke’s final screen work is HOT. And it was also funny! Wish I could see “Juice” this weekend.
They hinted that a BluRay release might be in the works… hope so!
this is great!! thank you – glad you had a good time!!!
can i add a “but”??? why is there a warning for lots of gay sex in a gay porno movie showing??? sigh.
i get it – 40 years later we can’t just enjoy a sex movie, its gotta be … nevermind – seriously, glad you had a good time, I’m terribly jealous, in a good way!
Thanks so much for this update!
Glad you had a good time!
Glad the place was packed!
Sounds amazing!
Wish I was there!
Color me jealous!
Did they announce a date for dvd/blueray release?