

Roommates (1970ish) – Dakota, Ken (bearded) and Roger – I love this film, but I have to warn you, don’t expect sex. Expect to see 3 very handsome bodies, some posing, touching, lathering… sexy as fuck!

previously on BJland – wet beard – and 16:01

6 replies on “roommates”

Awesome film, BJ, thank you for sharing.

But I am steamed!

It seems C0lt decided to just make up some names for Dakota’s shower partners for the 2008 DVD release (I would bet money on it) Because I have source notes that credit them with genuine identities before that date. Anywaaaaaay…

The one that C0lt is calling “Roger” – he’s the shorter, curly-haired one. He is better known as Kurt Bieber. He was a physique model in the late 1950s, appearing in mags such as “Male Today,” and he was one of the very earliest C0lt models. Shame on them for not remembering him.

While “Roommates” was his only film for the studio, he also appeared in the “Bunkhouse” photo series, again with Dakota. Photos of them appear in Manpower #1, #2 & #4. He never performed sex on camera, that was where he drew the line, but he was quoted as saying that he loved posing nude. And he requested to work with Dakota.

He also appeared in the Patrick Dennis (creator of Auntie Mame) book called “Little Me” in the late 1950s, which he parlayed into a career as an actor/dancer in mainstream films and plays for a time in New York. In the June 1980 issue of Mandate there was a spotlight on the performer and many of his accomplishments both mainstream and “adult.”

Kurt Bieber has a GEVI model profile, but it needs correcting and updating to show the “Roommates” credit, and I believe the “Studs in Suds” credit is absolutely incorrect. I should probably tell Woody, but I’m not sure how to prove it.

Also, his SmutJunkies profile:

Also, very interestingly, just last month BJ did a post on the 1980 film “Cruising” and Kurt Bieber’s name came up. Check it:

The 3rd model, “Ken,” may have been first credited as “Ted Lauter.”
According to my notes, the other model appearing with Dakota and Kurt in the “Roommates” photo series and film was called “Ted Lauter.” I know virtually nothing about this model and can’t really even confirm the source of this alias.

But it was NOT “Roger” and “Ken” – at least not until 2008.

There. I’ve said my piece. Thanks for listening! Now I need to try to sleep.

WOW! that’s a lot! so the “Studs in Suds” error – explainable enough – two sexy non-sex shower scenes.

and had no idea that one of the clones in the MANDATE spread had such a history (and such a nice ‘stache!)


Okay, BJ honey. I totally understand that my word; has no standing with you. At one point, you did say that even if I’m right, you’re not going to give me credit. Were you trolling me? With so many mistaken or forgotten examples, how can I be sure? : (

As we know, the credits on vintage porn, are often sloppy, and just plain wrong – careless. Colt Studio is even guilty of this. Remember, when I identified the wrong “Roger”, as “Turk”? Of course you don’t! : /

Dakota made two Colt loops, involving trio showers – “Roommates (1970)” & “Studs in Suds (1971)”. I’m convinced that the cast member list; was mixed up – inverted or switched. What other conclusion can be had, when you notice Kurt Bieber’s mistaken involvement? : )

I mentioned these loops and Kurt Bieber, before. Remember? Of course you don’t! That’s okay. Give Johnny-My Pet-Llama, all the credit. I don’t mind. Never mind that he, you, Parisian, “The Otter”, and Colt, were WRONG! : /

Let me provide you with even MORE information, about Kurt Bieber’s career – porn and mainstream. Should I even bother? Do you deserve this? Don’t worry, I don’t expect credit. : (

(Hope this link works! Scroll down to the very end – lots of info.!)

I fully expect to be dismissed, forgotten, ignored, overlooked, or have my credit stolen. It comes with the territory. At this point, I can’t even summon up the energy, to get angry. : (

It’s lonely, always being right. Just kidding! : | : )

Don’t worry, BJ honey! I still love you! I give thanks for your wonderful blog! In spite of once again, feeling like a turkey! : (


; )

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