from a Bunkhouse magazine… I’m showing the full page below, so you can see the source. You know the pet peeve I am speaking of, right?

from a Bunkhouse magazine… I’m showing the full page below, so you can see the source. You know the pet peeve I am speaking of, right?
2 replies on “bunk”
The search tab works wonderfully BJ!
Results on Pet Peeves:
“- pics where the dick is nearly (or partially) off the page!“.
Couldn’t agree more! Butchering the penis! Awful! And such a hot sexy photo!!
Wow, you got it! Well done.
I was just trying to guess off the top of my head based on what I know about BJ. Next time, I should look up Pet Peeves!
I was gonna’ say the head is cut off (one of my pet peeves), but I meant his actual head! I was right, in a way.