print porn models


I think Mike is a Minotaur model, but I have not yet confirmed this; enjoy nonetheless

update: looks like we’ve “enjoyed” Mike before

8 replies on “fistful”

This guy oozes sex appeal!! BJ he is so supa sexy!! Thank you for sharing!!!Yummy!! I bet he smells great too..

Very hot, I agree! Enjoy him I will.

What’s making you think Minotaur Press? Just curious. He does seem the right type based on what I know of their awesome mags (wish I had more)

Cocks Shots Annual No1 (1981) is the only connection I know of (thanks to you mentioning in the previous post comments) but the copyright page doesn’t really offer much info. And no photography credits as you know. At least they credited the models (sort of). It’s a really great collection of hot male photography.

It really is a fistful isn’t it? Yummmm

it’s the font / layout that I’ve seen before

from CHAMPS #1, which does NOT say Minotaur, but has at least one Minotaur model, and this “other” Mike!

I can’t argue with that. You may be onto something. Hmmm, the mysteries of Minotaur Press. I love it!

I know the Minotaur model you mean from Champs #1. It’s “Mitch” aka Joe Mario, right? THAT dude would make a great post btw. Muscles, fur and awesome ‘stache. I don’t think you’ve done him. I searched BJLand for Mitch and Joe Mario, but didn’t see anything.

Wait, I really do think you did a post on Mitch aka Joe Mario from Minotaur Press’ Magazine No1. But I still can’t find it.

I suggest you do another post with his photos from both Magazine No1 and Champs No1. Whaddya think? I’ll leave it up to you. It’s your choice. Your blog.

“I don’t think you’ve done him.” – – – well!

in all seriousness, the “drafts folder” is nearing 50 again; but its now “off season” so I have more time – we’ll see!

No pressure!

He’s incredible, isn’t he? Actually there’s a bunch of hot men I’ve encountered while re-familiarizing myself with these mags, so thanks for that. But 50 drafts…yeah, give yourself a break. Take your time.

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