Pantheon Productions

lick my TONGUE

does this guy have 3 mustaches or 3 eyebrows? I am not one to normally (negatively) comment on someone’s eyebrows (my own are in Ed Asner territory) but the juxtaposition of the mustache to the eyebrows is just too crazy to ignore!

i don’t own a hard copy, these are just good online scans; don’t (yet) know photographer’s name, nor the models.

10 replies on “lick my TONGUE”

Ok, this is the cute brunette kid from Gold Rush Boys who auditions for sexy brothel owner Mike Braun. He’s got fake eyebrows and stache and for fuck’s sake, why?

WOW WOW WOW! – good catch, but…… I don’t think the fuzzzzy eyebrows and mustache are fake (I just can’t imagine going through the trouble of ADDING eyebrows!!!) – cut the mustache off and trim the eyebrows and you have him – Kurt Williams, as seen below in aforementioned GOLD RUSH BOYS

Very peculiar! That said, I will say that eyebrows and moustache are fake. I suspect they wanted a contrast in looks. This was not the way to go! Lol.

He looks like Kurt Williams (blonde), pictured above, with fake eyebrows & his hair dyed dark brown. Same body language & mannerisms. Very odd they put fake eyebrows, mustache, & dyed his hair.

Kurt Williams (blonde) is a natural blonde & his other model is fake blonde (like many models of the 1980’s; the blonde look was one of THE looks along with the dark brown clone appearance made popular by Al Parker & other models which Kurt Williams has for this photo shoot). True, they may have wanted a contrast in looks, but this was not the way to go.

Kurt Williams (blonde) was in a plethora of early-1980’s films; many are lost for various reasons such as the company going bankrupt or being sold to another. When I find a Kurt Williams film, I download it. I just found Revenge of the Nighthawk in Leather. I’m looking for the first film, Nighthawk in Leather.

That first scene from Gold Rush Boys is one of my favorites. I just love daddy Mike Braun in his robe and slippers! One of my kinks! Please do a Gold Rush Boys post to cleanse my palette of this eyebrow abomination!

Gold Rush Boys is the few times J.W. King has a beard to go along with his mustache. He had beard for a couple of other films, but I don’t remember them right now.

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