
masculin international

I love the MASCULIN INTERNATIONAL magazine series – with handsome models photographed by the likes of Malcolm Hoare (the photographer for this issue featured here), Roy Dean, Jon Target, (maybe or maybe not Jean-Daniel Cadinot??) and Roy Blakey (there may be more); the tone is more sexy than sex, and that’s OK! So, I had a digital version of Masculin International 6, but saw a copy online for sale/auction and wanted to be able to scan better quality versions. Also, side note – notice the 4 men featured on the back? No pic of super sexy model Joe Porcelli (called Paul here)!! What’s with that? Anyway, I probably scanned the entire magazine before I realized something was up. The quality seemed off, so I looked for my digital file that I’ve had, and … WHAT?? Same number of pages, but the contrast was murkier – perhaps something that a generic photoshop can adjust but…. my hard copy only had 4 color pages – Front & Back covers, and 2 – page centerfold of the cover model; the old digital version had 5 additional pages in color, plus maybe 2-3 partial color pages! What gives???

or, rather, WTF?

5 replies on “masculin international”

I absolutely agree. The Masculin International series is just incredible. I wish I had them all. I probably have the same digital set of issue 6 that you do.

I don’t know why your hard copy doesn’t match, but that is very disappointing. Maybe one is a re-issue or something?

I love this issue. I wish my French was good enough to read all the text, so I could properly ID all the models. I’m sure I could get it if I worked on it for a while, but I’d rather just enjoy the incredibly sexy photography.

Thanks BJ!

perhaps different printers for different countries, or US versus Europe? who knows, but aggravating to say the least. Can’t blame the guy I bought it from, it certainly looks legit.

BJ, the guy in the bottom-right on the back page, that’s the same guy in the extremely intimate duo with Joe Porcelli, right? I don’t think I have an ID for him, but he is so familiar.

Arggh, I want to try to ID all these models, but don’t have the time right now.

What a great issue!

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