

“I’ll take unidentified COLT butts for $300, Alex.”


5 replies on “splinter”

So sorry, BJ honey! I’ve got nothing! I know you were depending on me, because of my INCREDIBLE track record! But even “I”, am not infallible. Believe it or not, I don’t work miracles. : (

SINCERELY, BJ! I so hate, being a disappointment to you! I can’t even offer you a splinter of hope! (See what I did, there!) ; )

Colt’s “Manpower #3” is uploaded at “Welcome to My World”. But it doesn’t really offer any concrete clues. (Hope these links work!)

For a split second, I was guessing that it could possibly be “Tom” from Colt’s “Breakdown!” and “Pool”. Remember your posts, “some guy’s butt” and “balls (luv ‘em)”? : )

But then I dismissed it. This mystery guy has no tattoos. And their bodies are different. “Tom” has bigger thighs. I’ve posted this picture of Tom (Colt), from Manpower #3, before:

Well, I guess I should just close the book, on this publication and mystery. : |

And since I can read your mind, I know exactly what you’re thinking! “Well, if OBSESSED can’t answer this, then the puzzle can’t be solved.” Oh, you flatter me so! Thanks! Even Alex Trebek, wouldn’t have been able to help us out! : (

(Do you suppose your readers think; I’m full of myself? I know YOU don’t!) LOL! : 0

; )

thanks buddy – but the links you provided went to the individual jpg’s (pics) not to the website. I have MANPOWER 3 in digital form, but was curious if this was a better copy – Once I found the website and the post, it wasn’t the entire magazine, just some pics from it. For anyone curious, when i found it – Welcome to My World – – my “browser guard” blocked it

I’ve been to the Welcome to my World blog from time to time in the past. It’s always been safe before as far as I know. It’s interesting, but definitely covers way more than vintage porn.

I have no idea who the mystery butt is. I did consider Tom also, but as Obsessed said, he’s not really a match. There is another photo in that issue which could be the same man. It’s on page 23 in my digital set. It’s another butt shot, and he’s standing in a doorway with nothing but a cowboy hat and boots on. It’s a small inset photo in the upper right of the page. Still, no ID. Too bad C0lt chose not to identify the models in the Manpower! series. Those stinkers!

Also FYI:

The guy who runs the Welcome to my World blog will often post one magazine over several posts, each labelled Part 1, Part 2, and so on. If you search on “Manpower” all the Manpower! posts will come up. It’s a lot, but if you can sort it out, I think some of them are full digital sets.

You can also search on “Manpower #1” and all the posts relating to issue 1 will come up. And try the same for the other issues. I think some of the issues are complete. Others are not there at all. It’s a lot of work, but if you want a full issue, you might find it.

Just remember to come back to all of us at BJLand!!

i did a quick check – his cover photo is 102KB, the one I have already is 247KB, so no need to hunt thru it. I still appreciate it as a resource, as well as his own take on stuff.

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