have i only posted pics from Jim French’s 1976 book, Quorum once before? more importantly, please tell me I haven’t sold my copy on on eBay (no, that’s not me). I found the top two pics in a folder of scans “Auctions 2018” – but I had already moved out of NYC, and don’t recall doing any selling since that summer before I moved. Somewhere in the porn basement, this book might still be here!!

these are pics I copied from the interwebs – I need to dig out this book!

10 replies on “quorum”
Leatherstudx here, I was model in my tight leathers for several Dutch, German and Belgium vintage porn magazines. You like my photos here?
Who are the bottom 3 models?
At the risk of embarrassing myself again…
#3 Scott Butcher
#4 Jimmy Pike
#5 is incredibly familiar but I am not risking a guess
FYI folks – often I “tag” photos – meaning if you hover over them you will see a name, possibly a source like “pornstar X, Blueboy 1983” – but for those using a mobile device, i think you have to actually CLICK on the image.
in this case, I only had the first three ID’d, so I will add “Jimmy Pike” but still need to get #5
Ta-da! Here I come, to say the day (as always)! Have no fear, Obsessed is here! But will I get any thanks, or recognition? HELL NO! I’m Mighty Mouse, but you treat me like Mickey! : /
#4 – Damn! Johnny-My Pet-Llama; beat me to this! This is what I get, for procrastinating! Honestly, BJ! How could you NOT know, this is Jimmy Pike? Especially, when you posted about him! I trust you remember; what I had to say about him? If not, take notes!
#5 – Once again, honestly, BJ! Ditto! This has become a joke! My work is never done! This winsome Colt stud; is Jerry Mansfield – endearing! Remember?
When he posed for the July 1973 issue of Playgirl magazine, he used the name Lloyd Beardsley – cutie!
#1 – This is by no means, a bad picture of our ravishing rogue, Paul. But it’s definitely, not his best! Remember, it’s B-A-R-R-E-S-I, two “Rs”; one “S”!
#2 – Ah! Just when I thought I’ve seen all of His Majesty’s photos, you blessedly prove me, wrong – beautiful! I’m guessing that this location must be Lake Powell. Jim French must have taken this sublime image, the same time that he produced the publication, “Olympus #3 (1975)” and filmed the Colt loop, “Houseboat (1977)”. Thank you so much! I’m indebted to you, forever – classic!
As I’ve said before, whenever Gordon Grant is photographed outdoors, he becomes part of the landscape – rugged man in a rugged setting! He’ll forever, haunt and move me – epic and mythic!
Gee, BJ! You and your website; are so wonderful! Maybe I should knock it off, with all the scolding and teasing. NAH! Sorry, but it’s just too much fun! : )
I’m rather surprised that Jim French, allowed genitalia to be featured in this coffee table book. There’s a noticeable absence of such, in other of his “art” books. Like many male inverts, he has both an aesthetic and sensual side – physical and spiritual. He’s more like Roy Dean here – sensibility wise.
I’m sure you heard the old vaudeville joke, “Naked is dirty. But nude is artistic!” Or is it, the other way around? : \
You know I love ya, BJ honey! Peace and love! : D
But you STILL, exasperate the hell out of me! : |
Will I EVER, catch up with your impeccable posts?! I can only hope! : (
; )
Oops! I meant to type, “Here I come, to SAVE the day!” : D
Jerry Mansfield! I knew he was familiar. He’s such a beauty. Well done, Obsessed.
Jimmy Pike is the only straight model.
Dig it out! Dig it out! Dig it out!
Jeez, getting a crowd chant going online is really tough.
interesting – I’ve been down in the porn cellar several times this weekend – but always get distracted from the original purpose and find other interesting tidbits…. where is that Quorum?
available on eBay