I’ve long held that AL PARKER is the best cocksucker on film (and I quote: “Al understands from a cameraman’s point of view that showing off the cock, balls, your own tongue, and your own face enjoying every moment of the blowjob is what turns a good blowjob into a great cinematic experience” – quoting me, of course!), and here he really enjoys this virtually unknown curvy cock, but my “research”** makes me think he is Ty Gardner. Ty doesn’t seem to have appeared in any films, and while I swear I’ve seen Steve Taylor munching on that cock, I can’t find that image anywhere. Perhaps it was another one off in an Al Parker magazine. These images are from Best of Al Parker.

** process of elimination from the magazine cover credits – Ty Gardner everyone!

don’t ya love updates before I’ve even hit “publish”??!!
I think this is the Ty/Steve Taylor photo I was looking for, found in one of the SURGE Hand Jobs magazines ( I think there are 2). The second pic is with Steve again?