there aren’t many images of Tony Nero‘s butt – perhaps this link will show an identical post, who know’s it’s Friday and I’m rushing off to work
there aren’t many images of Tony Nero‘s butt – perhaps this link will show an identical post, who know’s it’s Friday and I’m rushing off to work
I love this photo of Max, (AKA BIG MAX) from the February 1979 Honcho…. but……
the original, from a year prior, in THE PHYSICAL MAN #6 (1978), gives more space, negative space, black space, whatever you want to call it, to the image – HONCHO crops part of Max’s left foot; the original you can see his entire foot, and you can more easily see why the right foot is partially hidden – in the black cloth/covering on the ground. The top image I scanned from my own copy of HONCHO, and I only cropped out the whited edge of the photo. Alas, my Physical Man image is from somewhere on the internet, not nearly as high quality, but definately, to me, the better framed version. Oh, and HONCHO credits “Man’s Image” for photography, but the original in Physical Man #6 actually credits the human beings – Carlo Palermo and Francesco Barone as the photographers.
High Score – (1978)- Dale Arnold (A bazillion films, right?) and Tim Rice (Tim’s only other film is A Long Hot Day) – “Tim Rice is toward the high end of his twenties, short dark hair, wearing cute little shorts when he sees Dale Arnold saunter down the street; they talk, Arnold displaying his basket very prominently through a loose, white summer suit. They retire to the garage for a good sex session. The significance of the title is unclear.”
Yup. was wondering about that title!
As I’m prepping this, and uploading the images and video clip, the FTP program says “High_Score.mp4” is already uploaded, a year ago! Brief investigation, I uploaded what turns out to be another version of same film, but stuck in the drafts folder for a “Pornstar videography” for Greg Dale/Arnold. So, above is the shorter version, not sure what’s missing; but when I finally finish off Dale, we can compare and contrast. While not a big Dale fan, his freckled back makes me hope we’re giving JohnnyLlama a hard-on.
sometimes I save images on my desktop, hoping I’ll make a post out of them – pull together other pics, links, etc. And sometimes these images sit there for weeks, or months, and then get deleted or moved to the “projects” folder on the desktop, so the desktop isn’t so cluttered. And then they may or may not ever get made into a post.
These aren’t the best quality of what looks like a very hot man – we saw him back in 2023 – the post “Unk” – and ID’d in the comments as Steve Jones. That commenter (Steve, no relation!) recently reminded me of the ID, and here we are – with me remembering that I never got very far in my research on ALAN PURNELL – photographer, publisher (HIM and others), filmmaker. Both GEVI and Letterboxd only list the first 2 films below, and some quick research and note-taking has revealed several more films (thanks again, commenter “Steve”)
clearly, my work here has only begun…
gulp! something about those NOVA slinky bikini briefs that work so well on men like this – barely contain their meat! oops – see below, not for long!
Ken Michaels (Kent Thomas for NOVA, above), also appeared in In Touch #63, photographed by Greystone; and only one film Looking Good, a solo, alas. While not so hardon-y here, the color photos fill out the appeal of that crotch!