If I were to have a Steve “Titpig” Hurley videofest, these titles are “musts”
- Big Bear Trucking Co.
- Bear Country
- Truckstop Daddy
- Furry Men Do!
- Big Bear Trucking Co. 2
I was never much into the HDK stuff, but I know he’d done a few films for them (sidenote – Micky Squires and Hank Hightower in Bear Country is another reason to re-watch that movie!)

6 replies on “titpig”
Thank you very much, I miss him and am so happy he left hot films and pix for us!
I have seen this pic posted on reddit numerous times, not sure if it’s fake or not but it seems to have become a meme, or something like that (whatever passes for humor these days):
This is the only film with Steve in it that I’ve reviewed, it was pretty good though it’s been a few years now since I watched it.
HA! – it says right on the image “gravestonemaker.com” – so, uh, kinda fake, like totally fake. and if I say “Russian River Rendezvous” 3 times into he mirror, does Titpig appear?
If only! I’m trying it.
I might have made the same mistake, Zephyr. If anybody was gonna’ have an unusual, irreverent, or dirty headstone, it would’ve been him.
You know I can’t leave without this: Trucker Approved ✅!