have I posted Benny & Mark Rutter only one other time? and we’ve only seen Benny in one “spread” – Best of Colt Men 2 – w/mark Rutter? Maybe that Denim issue? Don’t think we ever get a good shot of benny’s cock, he’s just a prop for Mark, but a super sexy one at that! And that’s ok by me.

3 replies on “Benny”
Always loved that top photo. And Mark Rutter is amazing.
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Benny is one of those lesser-known and totally underrated C0lt men. And very under-utilized by C0lt. Maybe because of his balding? But that’s not cool, because balding men can be really hot. And he was really appealing in addition to being sexy as hell with a great body. I would’ve loved to have seen more, especially a film. I wish they’d made a film of the interaction with Mark Rutter. I think he really was a good partner for Mark Rutter. Hairy vs smooth. If Rutter topped and Benny bottomed, or better yet, they flipped, I am imagining a really hot scene.