NOVA films

coming out

how come I never noticed the sweaty pit pic before???

from NOVA’s Little Brother’s Coming Out (don’t worry – this pair ain’t brothers – it’s Jeff Scott, and his friend, mustached Chip Robertson, spying on Jeff’s little brother, Jeremy)

10 replies on “coming out”

How come? Because you were distracted by that mini-groin-forest above his huge dick, like I was. That’s not a treasure trail, that’s a jungle. Yum!

Nova Pocket Readers, have you ever heard of these? Pulp fiction books apparently made by Nova itself, hence the same logo. ‘Graficolor Productions’ with 18 exciting full color pages! per the text on the cover. And with a serial number of NR-105 which seems to indicate a run of them (101, 102?). I saw this at the link below and wondered what was known about these.

(right click the images from the large window viewer to see them full size)

In addition to whether you know of them, or might have owned one of these before, I feel like the two guys on the cover look familiar to me but I’m blanking on who they were. Handkerchiefs around their necks, fucking on boxes of Natural Light beer, and the fuckee kept his boots on. You might know it without even looking just based on that description.

just as I was about to post, I see you answered your own question – with one of my posts! I have seen the images on book covers, but don’t think I’ve owned one with the multi pages of pics inside.

I figured if anyone knew about these books it would be you. It makes me wonder how many were made and when, if there were multiple series etc. I’d never heard of them before, I did have a handful of those kinds of books in the 80s but tossed them years ago. None of the ones I owned had full color porn shots on the cover though, maybe erotic art work and the like. The literature was pretty bad in those books which is why I rarely looked at them, but I wish I’d hung onto at least a few.

I don’t know where all my mags went (actually I think they just got destroyed from too much wanky-panky) Buuut, I do still have a few of those dirty paperbacks. Not the Nova ones, but the others with erotic art on them. I just love the art so much, and I had this idea that I was gonna’ do my own art series inspired by that style. So I kept a bunch. They weren’t overtly sexual or explicit, just suggestive. The stories were soo bad though, I agree. I’ve only found a few authors over the years who could write really good erotic fiction.

Wouldn’t it be great to be rich and keep everything you ever loved in a temperature controlled storage space? Yes. It would. I’d still have my comics collection (30 boxes), all my gay porn mags (the ones I didn’t wear out), my Colt photosets, all the gay porn brochures, my gay porn videos and DVDs (with a working VCR and DVD player in the room), all my 1000s of books (I just took a box to Goodwill), and the coffee table art books, it just goes on and on. But, you know, Marie Condo said no. Also, I don’t have the money or the energy to build and maintain a collection room. I also always wanted a gift wrapping room. Oh, and a crafting room. My own art studio…

Jeez, now I’m depressed.

Perfect example of Nova’s extraordinary and atmospheric stills photography. Some of the company’s pictures are works of art; maybe you could do a feature sometime.

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