Cleanin’ Up – Gerry Hart & T.J. Morgan – in a “short” that’s included in the Nova Film’s Kyd Stuf (you can imagine what the Meese Commission, eBay, and others thought of that title!
Irregardless, I think jeans guy is super hot, and love the white pants on the other guy! enjoy

“Bored with waiting for his dad to get back to the office, Gerry wanders out into the carpentry shop. Boredom dissolves, however, when Gerry spots Hunky T.J. cleaning up the shop. When T.J. responds to Gerry’s flirting with a hard thick cock, Gerry begins performing tricks that make both young guys very happy.”

3 replies on “Cleanin’ Up”
BJ! Irregardless is not a word. Still love you and all you do for us xoxo
ha! ha! ha! – Merriam disagrees! But using it always brings out the “correcters”
My grandmother would spin in her grave if she heard me say that! Haha. I think people forget that language evolves, so what is “incorrect” can eventually become “correct” with enough use. We all just gotta’ relax, right?
I dig the jeans guy too! The tats are hot. Delicious video clip! Thanks BJ!