(furry, on the left) who you may remember from such films as:
- Peter the Peeker – (1971) – AKA Gay Pride???
- Deadly Blows – (1971 or 1975)
- Boys of Barabas – (1971)
- Forced! AKA Forced Entry – (1971)
- Inmates – AKA Confessions of an Inmate ?
- “The Boxer, the Trainer, the Biker” found in Palace of Pleasures – (1981)
- Head Boss found in The Boys of San Francisco – (1981)
Vince Bruno (AKA Duro Sudd, Vic Bruno on Letterboxd) – nearly impossible to find good solo still shots of this furry beast. And the movies listed above, will likely need a good edit. That VINEGAR SYNDROME has remastered Boys of Barabas has me intrigued, plus a bit pissed that I missed the limited release. sigh

clip from Deadly Blows
clip from The Boys of San Francisco
who you may remember from such publications as:
- SKINFLICKS Vol 1 No 2 – (1981) – Palace of Pleasures feature
- Big Boss – from The Boys of San Francisco
- Palace of Pleasures