uncredited photographer, as well as no name for this hairy back – I’m pretty sure it’s Mike Drumm – I suspect our resident hairy shoulder/back expert, JohnnyLlama, can confirm. The cock ain’t so bad, either!
uncredited photographer, as well as no name for this hairy back – I’m pretty sure it’s Mike Drumm – I suspect our resident hairy shoulder/back expert, JohnnyLlama, can confirm. The cock ain’t so bad, either!
9 replies on “Lick My Back”
well, he found some tasty prime meat :)….
If I didn’t know better (and I don’t, perhaps Johnny will) I would say the guy with the hairy back and leather cap chowing down on those balls might be Michael Braun? I went to ‘cowboy Frank’ to see if he had the scan for this issue of Drummer but it’s missing there, I assume you checked to see if the models were listed there.
Speaking of Michael (now there’s a segue…) and Drummer in fact, I landed on some info about Olaf Odegaard, who drew sketches that appeared in Drummer and other mags before. He apparently did mixed media art as well, photo collages and such. Check this one out, do you recognize the source pic and where it’s from? I bet you will..
I think you guys give me too much credit, but I appreciate it nonetheless!
Zephyr, your excellent suggestion definitely had me checking my Michael Braun pics for comparison. I’m not sure I would’ve made that connection, but I instantly saw why you did what with his thick beard, hairy shoulders, and back. It seemed very possible and I was impressed!
After some careful examinations, my guess is that it probably isn’t MB. As hairy as he was, the pattern of fur on his shoulders and back is not an exact match, and the face doesn’t click for me. However, it’s really tough to make a determination from a B&W photo where we can only see parts of the face and body. Without a photo credit, identification is in the eye of the beholder. Each of us is going to have their own valid opinion.
“Each of us is going to have their own valid opinion.” WTF!!?
I’M RIGHT – Mike Drumm
LSH – Laughing So Hard
I knew you’d react that way. That’s why I was so diplomatic. If it makes you feel better, you probably are right.
Ohhhh BJ – we love you!
Zephyr, I forgot to follow your link.
I love the art of Olaf (Odegaard)! Really stark and intense stuff. Very unique, from his style to the content. There’s no mistaking his illustrations for anyone else’s.
I don’t think I knew about his photography. Honestly, I can’t remember. But I do remember that collage photo, but not where it was published.
I believe the source photo was from a layout in Stroke magazine, although I’m not sure if that was the original source. I’m trying to remember the name of the other guy, but it’s not coming. It wasn’t in a video, right?
I gotta’ say I like his illustrations better than his collage photo, but I would likely say that in any case. Illustration is my thing, at least when I do art. I have dabbled in photography, and mixed media using Photoshop, but not as much. Pencil and ink are like extensions of my hands. It just feels right.
I liked your seque!
I don’t recall if it was a video also, but the photo set was in Stroke. Michael Braun and a guy who BJ wasn’t sure who he was (unless he later figured it out) dressed in football pads.
I think I remember. I guess we never IDed that guy? Hmmm.
Aside from his impressive hirsuteness (yowza yowza!) Mike Drumm’s best identifying mark is a small bird tattoo on his left shoulder. It’s too bad that the lower part of the shoulder is not in the frame so we can’t see if the tat is there.
Everything else appears to be solid match. Furthermore, Mike Drumm wore the *exact same* leather cap with chains in his Zeus Studios photo set AND in the magazine “Hard Leather,” where he appeared with Lee Brubaker, who was also wearing an extremely similar, if not exactly the same, leather harness with cock ring. I’m definitely not certain that this pic is from the same photo shoot, but the similarities are remarkable. Also, Lee Brubaker had a pretty veiny dick. The dates match up for the most part, although again I can’t be certain. Hard Leather was likely published in the ’80s, but I don’t have an exact date. Also it should be noted that in the Hard Leather photo set Mike Drumm was also wearing a leather vest and studded leather wristbands, neither of which can be seen in this photo.
Another thing I question is this: in most of Mike Drumm’s Zeus photos his beard and body hair is a very dark brown. In this photo, it looks much lighter. That could just be lighting though. Perhaps the photo was a little over exposed? I also think that Mike Drumm is possibly even hairier than this guy? Who knows? It’s probably him.
I’ve obviously spent way too much time analyzing this, (Damn you BJ!) but I think it’s a pretty fascinating pursuit.
I know extreme body fur is not for everyone, but I gotta’ say that pretty much everything about this photo does it for me. Just one more reason why I love it here at BJLand!