“Cory Monroe works at a recording studio, and he and his co-workers are apprehensive when they learn the cleaning crew that’s coming is comprised of prison convicts.” – I’m not sure “apprehensive” is the word I’d use! oh, 1988!

Tattooed cop Donnie Ray (gayish-for-pay?) feels the need to teach prisoner Vladimir Correa a lesson, striping down to his jockstrap, and making Correa strip completely and jerk off.
Dirt Busters (1988) – Director: R. Stilskin – 75 minutes running time
Starring: Cory Monroe, Rusty Thomas, Sean Laurence, Gino Colbert, David Lee, Donny Ray, Vladimir Correa

Cory Monroe spies on bearded muscle prisoner dude (yes, repeatedly saying “I’d like to take a dump” is suchhhh a turn-on!), who finds a Thrust magazine, which inspires him to strip and pose??? Cory does an excellent job showing off his 80’s trousers while he whacks, then Cory has to “intervene” (is this place ever going to get cleaned??) And the W.C. Fields poster? cuz it has the word “dick” in it? or cuz it looks like Fields wants to suck some dick?