“Cory Monroe works at a recording studio, and he and his co-workers are apprehensive when they learn the cleaning crew that’s coming is comprised of prison convicts.” – I’m not sure “apprehensive” is the word I’d use! oh, 1988!

Tattooed cop Donnie Ray (gayish-for-pay?) feels the need to teach prisoner Vladimir Correa a lesson, striping down to his jockstrap, and making Correa strip completely and jerk off.
Dirt Busters (1988) – Director: R. Stilskin – 75 minutes running time
Starring: Cory Monroe, Rusty Thomas, Sean Laurence, Gino Colbert, David Lee, Donny Ray, Vladimir Correa

Cory Monroe spies on bearded muscle prisoner dude (yes, repeatedly saying “I’d like to take a dump” is suchhhh a turn-on!), who finds a Thrust magazine, which inspires him to strip and pose??? Cory does an excellent job showing off his 80’s trousers while he whacks, then Cory has to “intervene” (is this place ever going to get cleaned??) And the W.C. Fields poster? cuz it has the word “dick” in it? or cuz it looks like Fields wants to suck some dick?
11 replies on “Dirt Busters”
Hilarious, thank you very much!
So wait… did he ever take a dump?
Ha ha ha! I’m glad to report we’re never told.
This is an odd one, not sure I’d ever seen it before. Cory Monroe was one of the more notable porn stars of the 80s for me, not everyone’s cup of tea but I really liked him. He was in a bunch of great films, like Brother Load, Beyond Hawaii, Spring Break, Too Big For His Britches, Guilty etc. And even more so-so or not very great films too, quite a filmography on that little blond stud.
Cory was friends with Chris Burns and wrote an obit article in the B.A.R. after Chris died in 1995, it’s pretty interesting. Not sure if I ever mentioned it here before or not but Cory mentions that Chris made a self defense video for the gay male audience, called Take Back The Night that I bet would be very interesting to see. I wonder if anyone has a copy of it? The piece that Cory wrote is on page 6 at the link below:
wonder if the Chris Burns tape was this – Karatekock Warrior ? Cory WAS a busy performer – not my type; but looking at this tape, he had a very nice cock!
I like the scene he did with Cory Adams above the lava flow in Beyond Hawaii, though Cory M. used the name Sandy Shaw still then. And besides, that would have made it a Cory-Cory pairing otherwise. Since I liked Cory Adams too and even though both were blond and twink-maybe-twunk at the time, they both had nice cocks. And of course his scene with ‘uncle’ Chad Douglas in Spring Break which is very well known.
Did you hang onto Karatekock? There’s a very basic gevi page with little info, maybe that came from you. Including ‘boxing’ as the category for what type of film it is, and a 75 minute runtime. The obit from the B.A.R. doesn’t name the film, I got that from Chris’s gevi page. Anyway if you do still have it (or saved a copy before you sold it) and ever watch it, that might be a way to tell.
There are so many things wrong here- too funny though! I thought the tatted muscle cop was kind of hot, he looked good in that jock strap, then he starting talking. How can the acting be sooo bad?!
Cory’s cock was very enjoyable for sure, despite that aggressively ’80s outfit. They should’ve let him finish that JO on his own. When that curly-haired, ‘roided dude made his announcement, (twice!) I felt soooo offended on Cory’s behalf. Poor brave man.
Thanks for taking us all on this journey BJ. It began with laughter, but
ended with tears.
I can’t find any other stuff of the cop/Donny/Donnie Ray guy. Does he have any other names besides this one? Does anyone know anything else he’s done? I wanna find more stuff because i think he’s legit hot.
Neither can I find any reference of Donnie Ray, I had this video tape in the 90’s and I managed to convert it into .mp4 but the quality is poor, I am really interesed in finding something about Donnie Ray.
interesting your comment comes up – just a week ago I stumbled upon this – not much, but “the two tons of beef known as ‘The Dirt Busters'” were part of the entertainment at the Saints BLACK PARTY in 1988! wow! obviously these pics aren’t from the party, which makes me think they must’ve been published elsewhere before – and – did this duo take their act on the road??? (would love an enlarged b/w pic showing the “cop” with no hat or shades!)
Vladimir Correa was the best. So happy I stumbled on this to see him when he was younger.