so this is one of those E-Z MEN productions (AKA EZ Rider) I often rail against – often mislabeled, or missing scenes – but this one I held onto – as it had some good stuff, and I can see from my notes I was trying to ID the various scenes – (you can see from the above pic, I don’t have the original large box, but a photo from the interweb). My notes are from when I thought I would be selling, but realized maybe I need to make sure I have all the original films before I sell this cassette. I think I got all the scenes p if not, what did I miss?
HOT FANTASY – 70 minutes running time
- in a scene from Wanted,
Ed Wileyno, Will Seagers!! (AKA Matt Harper) is masturbating in the woods when Al Parker comes along. Al explains he can do what no woman can do! He proceeds to give good, slow oral as Wiley sits back and enjoys - from Face To Face, Colt model Mickey Squires has a 3-way with Will Seagers in a gym. 3-way oral as they use a workout bench for Seagers to top condomless
- hot bearded Bob Blount (AKA COLT MODEL Lloyd Kasper; also appeared in Al Parker’s Inches) helps out a young guy who has an accident at work. Good oral and anal from pro Blount in this scene from Joe Gage’s 1979 classic L. A. Tool & Die
- another scene from L. A. Tool & Die, Richard Locke and Will Seagers find each other in a 5-man orgy in a County government Men’s Room.
- – a scene from Francis Ellie’s 1980 Killing Me Softly (AKA Killing Me Gently), goateed Stanley Richards exchanges oral with a hot bearded man, then gets topped condomless
- orgy scene from Sol Roesenbloom’s (1981) New York Men – – about 10 men (including Lee Marlin, J.D. Slater, Scorpio, Eric Ryan) entangled in various sex acts
- another scene from Face To Face – Scott Anderson heads over to the local porn theatre, and watches a film with Jim King in it ; King shows off and masturbates on screen while Anderson is compelled to do the same in his seat
- from Joe Gage’s HANDsome – movie theatre scene; two guys in the theatre help each off as they watch a shower room, trough orgy fantasy scene on screen – Roy Garrett is both in the theatre and on screen (orgy happens in the theatre, as well!)
20 replies on “HOT FANTASY”
I believe that’s Will Seegers with Al Parker from Wanted and not Ed Wiley. ;-)
Yes! Of course! How did I get the “AKA” but not Will!
Excellent collection!
That 3-way scene in the gym from “Face to Face” is one of my favorites. The third man, Miles Mitchell, is lesser known, but just as sexy as the other two. Not sure how well it was filmed- it’s like a blur of sweaty bodies thrusting – but so hot. Very nostalgic to me (and my dick)
Looks like lots of hot stuff in this one! Thanks so much BJ!
Al Parker was a master all this needed was a bit of Baressi shooting his wad all over Al’s face good J/O stuff
I just obtained an EZ Rider vhs of Headhunters featuring Jim King and Johnny Dawes.
Haven’t watched it yet. Was it a waste of money?
I must have missed this post, I have three VHS tapes from this same company. E-Z Rider or EZ Men Productions as it’s listed in the credits of their collections. The ones I have are Male On The Rocks, The Boys Of Spring and Manpower, just the tapes though and no box covers. I think they were bargain buys at a porn bookstore sometime in the late 80s or early 90s. The opening credits are the most comically made up names I think I’ve ever seen, shit like Hank Maldoon, Spike Vinely, Helga Sverdlov or Gus O’Oboogie (that was how the name for the grip was spelled in Manpower, or Men Power! when the credits rolled). Like yours the ones I have are all scenes from older films, and none of the performers or titles are mentioned. But some of them are pretty good so worth hanging onto.
In fact I asked you about a solo scene from Male On The Rocks which you identified, it’s the Joe Andrews solo from California Boys. And doing a search just now of your blog I remember that you posted that solo scene of Joe when you did his videography (at mine and Johnny’s request) where he looks scrumptious from both the front and the back, on the second clip:
Anyway I told Woody at gevi about Male On The Rocks and he updated the listing for that movie, noting the source for Joe’s solo along with the two scenes from Bad Bad Boys at the end that I recognized:
The Boys Of Spring is quite interesting, it seems to be a full length film and not a variety of scenes from different movies. There’s actual footage of the 1974 CSLD parade (Christopher Street Liberation Day) that some of the performers march along with, in between the sucking and fucking which wasn’t bad for that era. I wish I knew the name of the original film but I mentioned that to Woody also, and he updated the listing a bit:
He hasn’t gotten around to adding Manpower to the database yet but I just sent him that one not long ago, and there’s often a lag time while he verifies things. Manpower has eight scenes all from different films too, and the only one I definitely knew was the last one which is the first scene from Boys In The Sand. Starting with Peter Fisk laying out his blanket on the beach before Casey emerges from the water.
I took notes about scenes 1 – 7 but didn’t know what they were from. The first scene had a guy in an unbuttoned white letterman’s sweater with the word ‘Chuck’ reading down the front on one side, and a number (87 I think) on one shoulder. Does that sound familiar to you or anybody else? Checking my notes, bed with white sheets, red wall behind them, pretty standard sex on the bed then on a hardwood floor and the song Wooly Bully plays towards the end. Maybe from Cruisin 57 or another Toby Ross film?
The next time I correspond with Woody I’ll try to remember to point him to this blog post so he can expand the page for Hot Fantasy, unless you wanted to reach out to him yourself. He does remember you, we talked about you at least once in our correspondence though he said he hadn’t heard from you in a long time. I’ll see the blurbs you wrote on quite a few older film pages.
Replying to myself with the answer to the letterman sweater scene from Man Power, it is by Toby Ross – the scene from The Last Surfer with Daniel Holt in the sweater, sucked by and fucking Tony Roco. I was away from my computer when I wrote those notes since my working VCR is in the bedroom but just verified Wooly Bully on my porn music master list, and read the gevi scene description which is a match. So another one partially solved :) and only six to go.
Wow, Zephyr, you are like a busy beaver! Ugh, why did I say, beaver? Stop saying it!!
I really wanna’ see the “Male on the Rocks” one.
I saw your notation on GEVI on “The Boys of Spring.” So cool! I’ve been telling Woody stuff for years, and he’s made changes and corrected typos (sooo many typos), but he’s never credited me. Well done.
Not complaining about GEVI though. I loooove GEVI!
I’ll be looking for the “Manpower” listing.
I started emailing him suggested edits and expansions sometime last year, at one point he offered to credit me if it’s a substantive one. He likes it more when suggestions or fixes are in a certain format that doesn’t require him to do a lot of excessive typing though, he’s told me that more than once and I’m trying to learn. Yes gevi is an outstanding resource, can’t imagine how hard it would be to cross-reference between actors and scenes / films without it. I found some of the scenes from Male On The Rocks, see here:
… for the second scene, with ‘three guys outside’ as I gave a bare bones description of it. The same uploader has a few other scenes from the film, I found them all in consecutive order in his public videos. Gives a good idea of the type of collection it is. By the way the sound effects in that clip, a dubbed voice moaning repeatedly, is also heard in all the sex scenes from The Boys Of Spring. So those could even be connected.
GEVI is indeed indispensable. And I’m I’m glad to learn more about Manpower.
Thanks for the link to the clip- I will watch it tout de suite! Or in something similar in English: as soon as I get my root out of my suit.
Woody added the listing and gave it the title Men Power, which is what the opening credits say. The label on the top of the tape has it as Manpower. If I ever find a site that has clips of it I’ll let you, BJ and all here know:
And yes, if anyone recognizes other scenes from Male On The Rocks we can turn this into a crowdsourcing type of thing.
I finally watched this (I had to go to a wedding this past weekend) and it was definitely worth a viewing. The dubbing was terrible but the dialogue was minimal, just breathing, which I didn’t mind. A very natural “sex in the woods” scene with three guys who were similar enough that it was sometimes hard to tell who was who, but in a good way. Too bad it was so degraded. But still worth watching. Thanks for the link, Zephyr!
I’m interested in watching the other scenes as well. This should definitely be on GEVI, so I’m glad you let Woody know about it. I hope we can find out more about it. I was trying to ID the performers, but it was tough. I think it would be really cool to find a magazine that is associated with the film, but also challenging to make that connection. I guess time will tell.
I love the fascinating world of vintage gay porn!
Hi Zephyr,
I dunno’ if you’ll see this, and I know this post was a while ago, but I finally finished watching the rest of the scenes from “Male on the Rocks” from the link that you provided.
All the scenes were hot, despite some being pretty grainy. I noticed a couple of things:
1) I really liked the Joe Andrews solo. I’m such a fan, and I’d never seen that one.
2) There was a scene with a security guy being forced at gunpoint by two others (one with a crutch- weird), but here’s what I think is important: I could swear that the security guard was none other than RJ Reynolds. GEVI lists it as scene 7, while the guy who posted these videos on GayForIt called it the “last” scene. It’s actually 2 scenes. I just wondered if anyone else agrees that it’s RJ Reynolds.
I could be wrong, and I won’t exactly cry if no one feels like confirming my sight-only ID.
Also, thanks again Zephyr for providing the link!
Also, in scene 8 is rugged, hairy Dick Miller in a scene from “Bad, Bad Boys” and whom BJ has frequently post about.
Thank you Zephyr! Now I need to drop this and try to sleep.
Bye <3
1) Joe Andrews – harummmpf never seen it before!!!
2) Bad, Bad Boys – and I see who you mean, perhaps he had another name in the film, but I’m focused on Dick Miller !!
Well, you know, my memory pretty much sucks. Not as good as I suck, but almost, tee hee.
I see you did post it previously. I can’t believe that I either missed it or didn’t remember.
I think when I say “never seen it,” more likely mean to say that I “haven’t seen it in a while.”
Thank you BJ, for the wonderful Joe Andrews solo that you shared!
I just checked and I even have it downloaded to my videos folder. I mean, you only just posted it this year. Zephyr and I were the ones who begged you to do a Joe Andrews profile! And I downloaded virtually everything from the post!
At least it’s all coming back to me now. But, how bad is my memory to have forgotten that after only a few months?! Jeez.
I appreciate you taking the time to check those clips out Johnny, maybe in the future someone will be able to identify the source films. Thanks.
My pleasure!